




  1. 治療効果や予後に関する臨床疫学研究:
  2. 日常診療の質に関する研究:
  3. 臨床推論・医学教育に関する研究:
  4. 臨床研究の方法論に関する研究:
  5. 臨床研究スキルの教育に関する研究:


1) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(研究公正高度化モデル開発支援事業).臨床研究者による活用を目指した臨床研究技能と研究公正の統合学修の実用化.令和4年度.日本医療研究開発機構(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 3,000千円.
2) 国内共同研究.新規医療技術が高齢者の健康寿命及び医療費に与える影響の分析.令和4年度.公益財団法人ファイザーヘルスリサーチ振興財団(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 1,300千円.
3) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).潜在的な薬剤性有害事象を自動的に検出する汎用性の高いアルゴリズムに関する研究.令和4年度.文部科学省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 4,500千円.
4) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(研究公正高度化モデル開発支援事業).臨床研究トレーニングに組み入れ可能な能動的研究倫理学習プログラムの開発.令和3年度.日本医療研究開発機構(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 23,000千円.
5) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).潜在的な薬剤性有害事象を自動的に検出する汎用性の高いアルゴリズムに関する研究.令和3年度.文部科学省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 3,600千円.
6) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(研究公正高度化モデル開発支援事業).臨床研究トレーニングに組み入れ可能な能動的研究倫理学習プログラムの開発.令和2年度.日本医療研究開発機構(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 23,000千円.
7) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).日常診療で見逃される医原性有害事象の検出法及び発生率に関する臨床疫学研究.令和2年度.文部科学省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 4,500千円.
8) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(研究公正高度化モデル開発支援事業).臨床研究トレーニングに組み入れ可能な能動的研究倫理学習プログラムの開発.令和元年度.日本医療研究開発機構(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 23,000千円.
9) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).日常診療で見逃される医原性有害事象の検出法及び発生率に関する臨床疫学研究.令和元年度.文部科学省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 5,100千円.
10) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).日常診療で見逃される医原性有害事象の検出法及び発生率に関する臨床疫学研究.平成30年度.文部科学省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 3,700千円.
11) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(政策科学総合研究事業(臨床研究等ICT基盤構築・人工知能実装研究事業)).安全な薬物治療をリアルタイムで支援する臨床決断支援システムの開発に関する研究.平成30年度.厚生労働省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 11,539千円.
12) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(政策科学総合研究事業(臨床研究等ICT基盤構築・人工知能実装研究事業)).安全な薬物治療をリアルタイムで支援する臨床決断支援システムの開発に関する研究.平成29年度.厚生労働省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 10,385千円.
13) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).臨床決断支援システムを用いた薬剤性有害事象対策の有効性に関する研究.平成28年度.文部科学省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 4,900千円.
14) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(政策科学総合研究事業(臨床研究等ICT基盤構築研究事業)).安全な薬物治療をリアルタイムで支援する臨床決断支援システムの開発に関する研究.平成28年度.厚生労働省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 7,539千円.
15) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).臨床決断支援システムを用いた薬剤性有害事象対策の有効性に関する研究.平成27年度.文部科学省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 4,200千円.
16) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(地域医療基盤開発推進研究事業).安全な薬物治療を促進する多職種間情報共有システムの開発に関する研究.平成27年度.厚生労働省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費)  2,975千円.
17) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).臨床決断支援システムを用いた薬剤性有害事象対策の有効性に関する研究.平成26年度.文部科学省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 4,200千円.
18) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(地域医療基盤開発推進研究事業).安全な薬物治療を促進する多職種間情報共有システムの開発に関する研究.平成26年度.厚生労働省(代表:森本剛).年度総額(直接経費) 3,500千円.
19) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(新興・再興感染症に対する革新的医薬品等開発推進研究事業).病院外療養の新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)患者における抗炎症薬コルヒチンによる重症化予防:DCTの手法による第3相二重盲検プラセボ対照ランダム化比較試験.令和4年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学金城武士).年度配分額(直接経費) 11,000千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 121,050千円.
20) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(臨床研究・治験推進研究事業).病院外療養患者に対応可能なハイブリッド型バーチャル試験の手法を取り入れたCOVID-19患者におけるコルヒチン第3相試験プロトコルコンセプト作成.令和4年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 1,300千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 10,000千円.
21) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).高齢者における医原性有害事象に関する臨床疫学研究.令和4年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学太田好紀).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,200千円.
22) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).薬剤性有害事象及び薬剤関連エラーの発生予測モデルの作成とその検証.令和4年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学作間未織).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,300千円.
23) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(臨床研究・治験推進研究事業).病院外療養患者に対応可能なハイブリッド型バーチャル試験の手法を取り入れたCOVID-19患者におけるコルヒチン第3相試験プロトコルコンセプト作成.令和3年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 450千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 5,000千円.
24) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(臨床研究・治験推進研究事業).糖尿病合併冠動脈疾患レジストリを基盤としたコルヒチン第3相検証的試験の実施とRCT On Registryに向けたレジストリデータの品質管理と標準化に関する研究.令和3年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 1,923,077円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 22,664,612円.
25) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).高齢者における医原性有害事象に関する臨床疫学研究.令和3年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学太田好紀).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,300千円.
26) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).薬剤性有害事象及び薬剤関連エラーの発生予測モデルの作成とその検証.令和3年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学作間未織).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,200千円.
27) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(臨床研究・治験推進研究事業).糖尿病合併冠動脈疾患レジストリを基盤としたコルヒチン第3相検証的試験の実施とRCT On Registryに向けたレジストリデータの品質管理と標準化に関する研究.令和2年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 1,923,077円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 22,664,612円.
28) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).高齢者における医原性有害事象に関する臨床疫学研究.令和2年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学太田好紀).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 900千円.
29) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).薬剤性有害事象及び薬剤関連エラーの発生予測モデルの作成とその検証.令和2年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学作間未織).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 800千円.
30) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(臨床研究・治験推進研究事業).糖尿病合併冠動脈疾患レジストリを基盤としたコルヒチン第3相検証的試験の実施とRCT On Registryに向けたレジストリデータの品質管理と標準化に関する研究.令和2年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 1,923,077円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 22,664,612円.
31) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(臨床研究・治験推進研究事業).糖尿病合併冠動脈疾患レジストリを基盤としたコルヒチン第3相検証的試験の実施とRCT On Registryに向けたレジストリデータの品質管理と標準化に関する研究.令和元年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 1,923,077円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 22,779,319円.
32) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).小児入院患者の周術期医原性有害事象に対する要因分析.令和元年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学太田好紀).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,200千円.
33) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(臨床研究・治験推進研究事業).糖尿病合併冠動脈疾患レジストリを基盤としたコルヒチン第3相検証的試験の実施とRCT On Registryに向けたレジストリデータの品質管理と標準化に関する研究.平成30年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 3,076,924円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 22,667,198円.
34) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).Neoatherosclerosisと退行性血管病変の本態解明と治療法開発.平成30年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:京都大学木村剛).年度配分額(直接経費) 300千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 3,500千円.
35) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).小児入院患者の周術期医原性有害事象に対する要因分析.平成30年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学太田好紀).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,500千円.
36) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業).慢性心不全患者に対する多職種介入を伴う外来・在宅心臓リハビリテーションの臨床的効果と医療経済的効果を調べる研究.平成30年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:東京医科歯科大学磯部光章).年度配分額(直接経費) 240千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 13,760千円.
37) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(臨床研究・治験推進研究事業).糖尿病合併冠動脈疾患レジストリを基盤としたコルヒチン第3相検証的試験の実施とRCT On Registryに向けたレジストリデータの品質管理と標準化に関する研究.平成29年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 3,846,154円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 31,862,095円.
38) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).Neoatherosclerosisと退行性血管病変の本態解明と治療法開発.平成29年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:京都大学木村剛).年度配分額(直接経費) 500千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 4,200千円.
39) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).小児入院患者における薬剤関連エラーによる健康被害の疫学と費用分析研究.平成29年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学作間未織).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,000千円.
40) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).小児入院患者の周術期医原性有害事象に対する要因分析.平成29年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学太田好紀).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,000千円.
41) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).白血球活性化抑制による動脈硬化治療を目指した臨床薬理学研究.平成29年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 150千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,100千円.
42) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業).慢性心不全患者に対する多職種介入を伴う外来・在宅心臓リハビリテーションの臨床的効果と医療経済的効果を調べる研究.平成29年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:東京医科歯科大学磯部光章).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 13,700千円.
43) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B).Neoatherosclerosisと退行性血管病変の本態解明と治療法開発.平成28年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:京都大学木村剛).年度配分額(直接経費) 300千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 5,700千円.
44) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).小児入院患者における薬剤関連エラーによる健康被害の疫学と費用分析研究.平成28年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学作間未織).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,700千円.
45) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).白血球活性化抑制による動脈硬化治療を目指した臨床薬理学研究.平成28年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 150千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,300千円.
46) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策総合研究事業).2500人の糖尿病患者集団の10年予後からみた治療戦略に対する検討.平成28年度.厚生労働省(分担:森本剛/代表:奈良県立医科大学斎藤能彦).年度配分額(直接経費) 1,100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 3,800千円.
47) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業).コルヒチンの抗動脈硬化薬としての適応拡大を目的とした橋渡し研究.平成28年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 923,077円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 22,251,120円.
48) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業).慢性心不全患者に対する多職種介入を伴う外来・在宅心臓リハビリテーションの臨床的効果と医療経済的効果を調べる研究.平成28年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:東京医科歯科大学磯部光章).年度配分額(直接経費) 300千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 15,300千円.
49) 日本医療研究開発機構研究費(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業).コルヒチンの抗動脈硬化薬としての適応拡大を目的とした橋渡し研究.平成27年度.日本医療研究開発機構(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 380,288円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 17,468,270円.
50) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策総合研究事業).2500人の糖尿病患者集団の10年予後からみた治療戦略に対する検討.平成27年度.厚生労働省(分担:森本剛/代表:熊本大学小川久雄).年度配分額(直接経費) 700千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 3,800千円.
51) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業).循環器疾患の新たな治療法の開発に関する研究.平成27年度.厚生労働省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学吉村紳一).年度配分額(直接経費) 0千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,873千円.
52) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).小児入院患者における薬剤関連エラーによる健康被害の疫学と費用分析研究.平成27年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学作間未織).年度配分額(直接経費) 100千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,100千円.
53) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).白血球活性化抑制による動脈硬化治療を目指した臨床薬理学研究.平成27年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 150千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 1,400千円.
54) 循環器病研究開発費.糖尿病患者における心血管疾患予防の最適化に関する研究.平成26年度.厚生労働省(分担:森本剛/代表:国立循環器病研究センター小川久雄).年度配分額(直接経費) 1,000千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 19,600千円.
55) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業).循環器疾患の新たな治療法の開発に関する研究.平成26年度.厚生労働省(分担:森本剛/代表:兵庫医科大学吉村紳一).年度配分額(直接経費) 0千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 5,000千円.
56) 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C).学童の食習慣、生活習慣とアレルギー疾患の進展に関する前向き研究.平成26年度.文部科学省(分担:森本剛/代表:滋賀県立小児保健医療センター楠隆).年度配分額(直接経費) 10千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 800千円.
57) 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業).ハイリスク糖尿病患者における糖尿病薬、血糖管理と大血管障害発症に関するComparative Effectiveness Research.平成26年度.厚生労働省(分担:森本剛/代表:琉球大学植田真一郎).年度配分額(直接経費) 0千円/年度総額(全体直接経費) 6,000千円.



1. 治療効果や予後に関する臨床疫学研究:

  1. Fujimoto D, Morimoto T, Tamiya M, Hata A, Matsumoto H, Nakamura A, Yokoyama T, Taniguchi Y, Uchida J, Sato Y, Yokoi T, Tanaka H, Furuya N, Masuda T, Sakata Y, Miyauchi E, Hara S, Saito G, Miura S, Kanazu M, Yamamoto N, Akamatsu H. Outcomes of chemoimmunotherapy among patients with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer according to potential clinical trial eligibility. JAMA Netw Open 2023;6:e230698.
  2. Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Yamaji K, Shirai S, Ando K, Shiomi H, Takeji Y, Ohno N, Kanamori N, Yamazaki F, Koyama T, Kim K, Ehara N, Furukawa Y, Komiya T, Iwakura A, Shirotani M, Esaki J, Sakaguchi G, Fujii K, Nakayama S, Mabuchi H, Tsuneyoshi H, Eizawa H, Shiraga K, Hanyu M, Nakano A, Ishii K, Tamura N, Higashitani N, Kouchi I, Yamada T, Nishizawa J, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Minatoya K, Kimura T. Life expectancy of patients with severe aortic stenosis in relation to age and surgical risk score. Ann Thorac Surg 2023 (in press).
  3. Sudo Y, Morimoto T, Tsushima R, Sogo M, Ozaki M, Takahashi M, Okawa K. P-wave terminal force in lead V1 and outcomes in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation undergoing catheter ablation. Am Heart J 2023;260:141-150.
  4. Arai H, Nozoe M, Kamiya K, Matsumoto S, Morimoto T. Association between skeletal muscle mass index and falls in patients with functional impairment. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2023 (in press).
  5. Seko Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Shiba M, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Yamashita Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Association between changes in loop diuretic dose and outcomes in acute heart failure. ESC Heart Fail 2023 (in press).
  6. Obayashi Y, Kato T, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Seko Y, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Su K, Kawato M, Inoko M, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Ozasa N, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Tricuspid regurgitation in patients with acute heart failure: Insights from the KCHF registry. ESC Heart Fail 2023 (in press).
  7. Aida K, Nagao K, Kato T, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Su K, Kawato M, Seko Y, Inada T, Inoko M, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Ozasa N, Kimura T. Prognostic value of the severity of clinical congestion in patients hospitalized for decompensated heart failure: Findings from the Japanese KCHF registry. J Card Fail 2023 (in press).
  8. Matsunashi A, Nagata K, Morimoto T, Tomii K. Mechanical ventilation for acute exacerbation of fibrosing interstitial lung diseases. Respir Investig 2023;61:306-313.
  9. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Nishimoto Y, Sakamoto J, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Kato T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Impact of heart rate at diagnosis on clinical outcomes in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Am J Cardiol 2023;187:38-47.
  10. Hamatani Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Iguchi M, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Kitai T, Nagao K, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto E, Ozasa N, Yamashita Y, Abe M, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Akao M, Kimura T; KCHF registry investigators. Association of intravenous heparin administration with in-hospital clinical outcomes among hospitalized patients with acute heart failure. Int J Cardiol 2023;370:229-235.
  11. Uchida K, Ueda S, Sakakibara F, Kinjo N, Nezu M, Arai H, *Morimoto T. Statins reduce bleeding risk in patients taking oral anticoagulants for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: A retrospective registry study. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2023;23:89-99.
  12. Yoshimura A, Ishikawa H, Uchida K, Takesue Y, Mori J, Kinoshita T, Morikawa S, Okamoto F, Sawada T, Ohji M, Kanda T, Takeuchi M, Miki A, Kusuhara S, Ueda T, Ogata N, Sugimoto M, Kondo M, Yoshida S, Ogata T, Kimura K, Mitamura Y, Jujo T, Takagi H, Terasaki H, Sakamoto T, Sugisawa T, Komuku-Yamamoto Y, Gomi F. Risk Factors for Legal Blindness in 237 Japanese Patients with Exogenous Endophthalmitis: A Multicenter Cohort Study from J-CREST. Ocul Immunol Inflamm 2023;26:1-9.
  13. Siegler ASJE, Qureshi MM, Nogueira RG, Tanaka K, Nagel S, Michel P, Vigilante N, Ribo M, Yamagami H, Yoshimura S, Abdalkader M, Haussen DC, Mohammaden MH, Nannoni S, Möhlenbruch M, Henon H, Sheth SA, Gutierrez SO, Olive-Gadea M, Caparros F, Şeker F, Zaidi S, Castonguay A, Uchida K, Sakai N, Puri AS, Farooqui M, Toyoda K, Salazar-Marioni S, Takeuchi M, Farzin B, Masoud HE, Kuhn AL, Rana A, Morimoto M, Shibata M, Nonaka T, Klein P, Sathya A, Kiley NL, Cordonnier C, Strambo D, Demeestere J, Ringleb PA, Roy D, Zaidat OO, Jovin TG, Kaesmacher J, Fischer U, Raymond J, Nguyen TN. Endovascular vs Medical Management for Late Anterior Large Vessel Occlusion With Prestroke Disability: Analysis of CLEAR and RESCUE-Japan. Neurology 2023;100:e751-e763.
  14. Kataoka K, Takahashi K, Takeuchi J, Ito K, Beppu N, Ceelen W, Kanemitsu Y, Ajioka Y, Endo I, Hasegawa K, Takahashi K, Ikeda M, on behalf of Joint Committee of Liver Metastases Survey from Colorectal Cancer. Correlation between recurrence free survival and overall survival after upfront surgery for resected colorectal liver metastases. Br J Surg 2023 (in press).
  15. Sato T, Uchino M, Takeuchi J, Fujihira F, Shimizu K, Yokoyama K, Yagi S, Kaku K, Takashima Y, Ikenouchi M, Kojima K, Kawai M, Nagase K, Kamikozuru K, Yokoyama Y, Takagawa T, Ikeuchi H, Watanabe K, Shinzaki S. Short-term clinical evaluation of teduglutide for patients with Crohn's disease on home parenteral support for postoperative short bowel syndrome with intestinal failure. Clin Nutr 2023;18:42:722-731.
  16. Ikeda S, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Impact of chronic lung disease on long-term clinical outcomes in patients with venous thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Eur J Intern Med 2023;109:135-137.
  17. Yamamoto K, Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Obayashi Y, Natsuaki M, Yamaji K, Domei T, Ogita M, Ohya M, Tatsushima S, Suzuki H, Tada T, Ishii M, Nikaido A, Watanabe N, Fujii S, Mori H, Nishikura T, Suematsu N, Hayashi F, Komiyama K, Shigematsu T, Isawa T, Suwa S, Ando K, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 and STOPDAPT-2 ACS investigators. Clopidogrel monotherapy after 1-month dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with diabetes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2023;16:19-31.
  18. Tsushima R, Okawa K, Morimoto T, Sudo Y, Sogo M, Ozaki M, Takahashi M, Tobiume T. Effect of direct slow pathway capture mapping-guided ablation on typical atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia. JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2023;9:209-218.
  19. Washida K, Kato T, Ozasa N, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Seko Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Shiba M, Kitai T, Yamashita Y, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawase Y, Nishimoto Y, Kuragaichi T, Hotta K, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. A comparison between hospital follow-up and collaborative follow-up in patients with acute heart failure. ESC Heart Fail 2023;10:353-365.
  20. Yaku H, Kato T, Morimoto T, Kaneda K, Nishikawa R, Kitai T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Yamazaki T, Kitamura J, Ezaki H, Nagao K, Yamamoto H, Isotani A, Arita T, Izumi C, Sato Y, Nakagawa Y, Matoba S, Sakata Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; GOREISAN-HF trial investigators. Rationale and study design of the GOREISAN for heart failure (GOREISAN-HF) trial: A randomized clinical trial. Am Heart J 2023;260:18-25.
  21. Takeji Y, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Kato E, Imada K, Yoshikawa Y, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Yamamoto K, Yamaji K, Toyota T, Tada T, Tazaki J, Yamamoto E, Nakatsuma K, Suwa S, Ehara N, Taniguchi R, Tamura T, Watanabe H, Toyofuku M, Yamamoto T, Shinoda E, Mabuchi H, Inoko M, Onodera T, Sakamoto H, Inada T, Ando K, Furukawa Y, Sato Y, Kadota K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T. Sex differences in clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention. Circ J 2023;87:277-286.
  22. Toyota T, Morimoto T, Iimuro S, Fujita R, Iwata H, Miyauchi K, Inoue T, Nakagawa Y, Nishihata Y, Daida H, Ozaki Y, Suwa S, Sakuma I, Furukawa Y, Shiomi H, Watanabe H, Yamaji K, Saito N, Natsuaki M, Ohashi Y, Matsuzaki M, Nagai R, Kimura T. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels on statins and cardiovascular event risk in stable coronary artery disease- An observation from the REAL-CAD study. Circ J 2023;87:360-367.
  23. Morishima I, Kanzaki Y, Morita Y, Inoue K, Kobori A, Kaitani K, Kurotobi T, Yamaji H, Matsui Y, Nakazawa Y, Kusano K, Tomomatsu T, Ikai Y, Furui K, Yamauchi R, Miyazawa H, Tanaka N, Morimoto T, Kimura T, Shizuta S; KPAF investigators. Catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with sick sinus syndrome: Insights from the Kansai Plus Atrial Fibrillation registry. Heart Lung Circ 2023;32:205-214.
  24. Saito T, Itabashi R, Uchida K, Kawabata Y, Igasaki S, Sato K, Chiba T, Morimoto T, Yazawa Y. Identifying large vessel occlusion using the hyperdense artery sign in patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2023;32:106846.
  25. Matsuda S, Kato T, Morimoto T, Taniguchi T, Minamino-Muta E, Matsuda M, Shiomi H, Ando K, Shirai S, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, MitsuokaH, Kato M, Hirano Y, Nagao K, Inada T, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Jinnai T, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T. Atrial fibrillation in patients with severe aortic stenosis. J Cardiol 2023;81:144-153.
  26. Ozasa N, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Yamamoto E, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Kitai T, Washida K, Seko Y, Yoshikawa Y, Sato Y, Motoki H, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. Polypharmacy and clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients with acute decompensated heart failure. J Cardiovasc Nurs 2023;38:33-43.
  27. Yamamoto K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Watanabe H, Miyazawa A, Yamaji K, Ohya M, Nakamura S, Mitomo S, Suwa S, Domei T, Tatsushima S, Ono K, Sakamoto H, Shimamura K, Shigetoshi M, Taniguchi R, Nishimoto Y, Okayama H, Matsuda K, Nakatsuma K, Takayama Y, Kuribara J, Kirigaya H, Yoneda K, Imai Y, Kaneko U, Ueda H, Komiyama K, Okamoto N, Sasaki S, Tanabe K, Abe M, Hibi K, Kadota K, Ando K, Kimura T; OPTIVUS-Complex PCI investigators. Comparison of the OPTIVUS-Complex PCI multivessel cohort with the historical CREDO-Kyoto registry cohort-3. Circ J 2023 (in press). 
  28. Yamamoto K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Miyazawa A, Watanabe H, Nakamura S, Suwa S, Domei T, Ono K, Sakamoto H, Shigetoshi M, Taniguchi R, Okayama H, Toyota T, Yokomatsu T, Muto M, Kawaguchi R, Kishi K, Hadase M, Fujita T, Nishida Y, Nishino M, Otake H, Natsuaki M, Watanabe H, Suematsu N, Tanabe K, Abe M, Hibi K, Kadota K, Ando K, Kimura T; OPTIVUS-Complex PCI investigators. Single-session versus staged multivessel optimal intravascular ultrasound-guided percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with CCS or NSTE-ACS. JACC Asia 2023 (in press).
  29. Nezu M, Ueda S, Uchida K, Sakakibara F, Kinjo N, Arai H, *Morimoto T. Association between body mass index and long-term clinical outcomes in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation taking oral anticoagulants. Heart Vessels 2023;38:551-561.
  30. Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Yamamoto K, Obayashi Y, Natsuaki M, Yamaji K, Ogita M, Suwa S, Isawa T, Domei T, Ando K, Tatsushima S, Watanabe H, Ohya M, Kadota K, Tokuyama H, Tada T, Sakamoto H, Mori H, Suzuki H, Nishikura T, Wakabayashi K, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 ACS investigators. Prevalence and effects of high-intensity statins for Japanese patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome: A post hoc secondary analysis of the STOPDAPT-2 ACS. Circ J 2023;87:657-668.
  31. Shima Y, Sato Y, Morimoto T, Hara S, Hirabayashi R, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Tachikawa R, Hamakawa H, Takahashi Y, Tomii K. Predictive performance of PD-L1 tumor proportion score for nivolumab response evaluated using archived specimens in patients with non-small cell lung cancer experiencing a postoperative recurrence. Invest New Drugs 2023;41:35-43.
  32. Yamamoto K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Watanabe H, Miyazawa A, Yamaji K, Ohya M, Nakamura S, Mitomo S, Suwa S, Domei T, Tatsushima S, Ono K, Sakamoto H, Shimamura K, Shigetoshi M, Taniguchi R, Nishimoto Y, Okayama H, Matsuda K, Yokomatsu T, Muto M, Kawaguchi R, Kishi K, Hadase M, Fujita T, Nishida Y, Nishino M, Otake H, Tanabe K, Abe M, Hibi K, Kadota K, Ando K, Kimura T; OPTIVUS-Complex PCI investigators. Optimal intravascular ultrasound-guided percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with multivessel disease. JACC Asia 2023;3:211-225.
  33. Yamamoto K, Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Obayashi Y, Natsuaki M, Domei T, Yamaji K, Suwa S, Isawa T, Watanabe H, Yoshida R, Sakamoto H, Akao M, Hata Y, Morishima I, Tokuyama H, Yagi M, Suzuki H, Wakabayashi K, Suematsu N, Inada T, Tamura T, Okayama H, Abe M, Kawai K, Nakao K, Ando K, Tanabe K, Ikari Y, Morino Y, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 and STOPDAPT-2 ACS investigators. Clopidogrel monotherapy after 1-month dual-antiplatelet therapy in patients with high bleeding risk or complex PCI. JACC Asia 2023;3:31-46.
  34. Tanaka N, Inoue K, Kobori A, Kaitani K, Morimoto T, Kurotobi T, Morishima I, Yamaji H, Matsui Y, Nakazawa Y, Kusano K, Tanaka K, Hirao Y, Okada M, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Fujii K, Kimura T, Shizuta S; KPAF investigator. Atrial fibrillation ablation outcomes and heart failure (from the Kansai plus atrial fibrillation registry). Am J Cardiol 2023;189:108-118.
  35. Yoshimura S, Sakai N, Yamagami H, Uchida K, Beppu M, Toyoda K, Matsumaru Y, MatsumotoY, Kimura K, Takeuchi M, Yazawa Y, Kimura N, Shigeta K, Imamura H, Suzuki I, Enomoto Y, Tokunaga S, Morita K, Sakakibara F, Kinjo N, Saito T, Ishikura R, Inoue M, *Morimoto T. Endovascular therapy for acute stroke with a large ischemic region. N Engl J Med 2022;386:1303-1313.
  36. Yoshimura S, Uchida K, *Morimoto T. Endovascular therapy for large acute strokes. Reply N Engl J Med 2022;386:2440-2441.
  37. Yoshimura S, Uchida K, Sakai N, Yamagami H, Inoue M, Toyoda K, Matsumaru Y, Matsumoto Y, Kimura K, Ishikura R, Morimoto T. Randomized clinical trial of endovascular therapy for acute large vessel occlusion with large ischemic core (RESCUE-Japan LIMIT): Rationale and study protocol. Neurol Med Chir 2022;62:156-164.
  38. Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Natsuaki M, Yamamoto K, Obayashi Y, Ogita M, Suwa S, Isawa T, Domei T, Yamaji K, Tatsushima S, Watanabe H, Ohya M, Tokuyama H, Tada T, Sakamoto H, Mori H, Suzuki H, Nishikura T, Wakabayashi K, Hibi K, Abe M, Kawai K, Nakao K, Ando K, Tanabe K, Ikari Y, Morino Y, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 ACS investigators. Comparison of clopidogrel monotherapy after 1 to 2 months of dual antiplatelet therapy with 12 months of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with acute coronary syndrome: The STOPDAPT-2 ACS randomized clinical trial. JAMA Cardiol 2022;7:407-417.
  39. Uchida K, Shindo S, Yoshimura S, Toyoda K, Sakai N, Yamagami H, Matsumaru Y, Matsumoto Y, Kimura K, Ishikura R, Yoshida A, Inoue M, Beppu M, Sakakibara F, Shirakawa M, *Morimoto T; RESCUE-Japan LIMIT investigators. Association between Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score and efficacy and safety outcomes with endovascular therapy in patients with stroke from large-vessel occlusion: A secondary analysis of the recovery by endovascular salvage for cerebral ultra-acute embolism-Japan large ischemic core trial (RESCUE-Japan LIMIT). JAMA Neurol 2022;79:1260-1266.
  40. Fujiwara S, Sakai N, Imamura H, Ohara N, Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Matsumoto Y, Takeuchi M, Uchida K, Yoshimura S, *Morimoto T. Association between anemic status on admission and clinical outcomes of acute large vessel occlusion. J Neurol Sci 2022;440:120343.
  41. Arai H, Ueda S, Uchida K, Sakakibara F, Kinjo N, Nezu M, *Morimoto T. Association between acid-suppressive drugs and clinical outcomes in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Drugs R D 2022;22:213-222.
  42. Matsumoto C, Ogawa H, Saito Y, Okada S, Soejima H, Sakuma M, Masuda I, Nakayama M, Doi N, Jinnouchi H, Waki M, *Morimoto T. Incidence of atrial fibrillation in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2022;10:e002745.
  43. Sakakibara F, Ueda S, Uchida K, Kinjo N, Arai H, Nezu M, *Morimoto T. Association between dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers and ischemic strokes in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Hypertens Res 2022;45:1028-1036.
  44. Rajbhandari S, Matsukawa H, Uchida K, Shirakawa M, Yoshimura S. Clinical results of flow diverter treatments for cerebral aneurysms under local anesthesia. Brain Sci 2022;12:1076.
  45. Sugisawa T, Ishikawa H, Uchida K, Takesue Y, Mori J, Kinoshita T, Morikawa S, Okamoto F, Sawada T, Ohji M, Kanda T, Takeuchi M, Miki A, Kusuhara S, Ueda T, Ogata N, Sugimoto M, Kondo M, Yoshida S, Ogata T, Kimura K, Mitamura Y, Jujo T, Takagi H, Terasaki H, Sakamoto T, Komuku Y, Gomi F. Risk factors for legal blindness in 77 Japanese patients with endogenous endophthalmitis: A multicenter cohort study from J-CREST. Ocul Immunol Inflamm 2022;25:1-8.
  46. Matsubara H, Enomoto Y, Egashira Y, Uchida K, Yamagami H, Sakai N, Yoshimura S. The safety and efficacy of periprocedural intravenous anticoagulants for acute ischemic stroke patients who underwent endovascular treatment: Sub-analysis of the RESCUE-Japan Registry 2. J Neurol Sci 2022;442:120390.
  47. Fujiwara S, Sakai N, Imamura H, Ohara N, Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Matsumoto Y, Takeuchi M, Uchida K, Yoshimura S, *Morimoto T. Impact of prior antiplatelet therapy on outcomes of endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion: Sub-analysis of the RESCUE-Japan registry 2. J Neurol Sci 2022;438:120278.
  48. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Takese T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Inoko M, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Nishimoto Y, Sakamoto J, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Kato T, Ono K, Kimura T. Clinical characteristics, management strategies and outcomes of patients with recurrent venous thromboembolism in the real world. Sci Rep 2022;12:22437.
  49. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Inoko M, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Nishimoto Y, Sakamoto J, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Kato T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Causes of long-term mortality in patients with venous thromboembolism in the real world: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Thromb Res 2022;219:30-39.
  50. Obayashi Y, Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Yamamoto K, Natsuaki M, Domei T, Yamaji K, Suwa S, Isawa T, Watanabe H, Yoshida R, Sakamoto H, Akao M, Hata Y, Morishima I, Tokuyama H, Yagi M, Suzuki H, Wakabayashi K, Suematsu N, Inada T, Tamura T, Okayama H, Abe M, Kawai K, Nakao K, Ando K, Tanabe K, Ikari Y, Morino Y, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 and STOPDAPT-2 ACS investigators. Clopidogrel monotherapy after 1-month dual antiplatelet therapy in percutaneous coronary intervention: From the STOPDAPT-2 total cohort. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2022;15:e012004.
  51. Obayashi Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Tamaki Y, Inoko M, Nishikawa R, Kaneda K, Yamamoto K, Takeji Y, Komasa A, Yamaji K, Shizuta S, Tada T, Nagao K, Suwa S, Tamura T, Sakamoto H, Inada T, Matsuda M, Sato Y, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Stroke risk stratification with the CHADS2 score in patients without atrial fibrillation who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol 2022;181:9-17.
  52. Arai H, Ueda S, Uchida K, Sakakibara F, Kinjo N, Nezu M, *Morimoto T. Effect of current smoking on ischemic events in patients with atrial fibrillation taking vitamin K antagonist. Int J Cardiol Cardiovasc Risk Prev 2022;14:200135.
  53. Fujita Y, Morimoto T, Tokushige A, Ikeda M, Shimabukuro M, Node K, Ueda S. Women with type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease have a higher risk of heart failure than men, with a significant gender interaction between heart failure risk and risk factor management: A retrospective registry study. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2022;10:e002707.
  54. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Yamamoto K, Yamaji K, Watanabe H, Uegaito T, Matsuda M, Tamura T, Taniguchi R, Inoko M, Mabuchi H, Takeda T, Domei T, Shirotani M, Ehara N, Eizawa H, Ishii K, Tanaka M, Inada T, Onodera T, Nawada R, Shinoda E, Yamada M, Yamamoto T, Sakai H, Toyofuku M, Tamura T, Takahashi M, Tada T, Sakamoto H, Tada T, Kaneda K, Miki S, Aoyama T, Suwa S, Sato Y, Ando K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Bleeding outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention in the past two decades in Japan-From the CREDO-Kyoto registry cohort-2 and cohort-3. Circ J 2022;86:748-759.
  55. Takeji Y, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shirai S, Kitai T, Hiroyuki Tabata H, Kitano K, Ono N, Murai R, Osakada K, Murata K, Nakai M, Tsuneyoshi H, Tada T, Amano M, Shiomi H, Watanabe H, Yoshikawa Y, Yamamoto K, Toyofuku M, Tatsushima S, Kanamori N, Miyake M, Nakayama H, Nagao K, Izuhara M, Nakatsuma K, Inoko M, Fujita T, Kimura M, Ishii M, Usami S, Sawada K, Nakazeki F, Okabayashi M, Shirotani M, Inuzuka Y, Komiya T, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry-2 investigators. Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics of the CURRENT AS registry-2. Circ J 2022;86:1769-1776.
  56. Soejima H, Ogawa H, Morimoto T, Okada S, Matsumoto C, Nakayama M, Masuda I, Jinnouchi H, Waki M, Saito Y; JPAD trial investigators. Kidney function deterioration is dependent on blood pressure levels: 11.2-year follow-up in diabetic patients. Heart Vessels 2022;37:1873-1881.
  57. Watanabe M, Aonuma K, Murohara T, Okumura Y, Morimoto T, Okada S, Nakamura S, Uemura S, Kuwahara K, Takayama T, Doi N, Nakajima T, Horii M, Ishigami K, Nomoto K, Abe D, Oiwa K, Tanaka K, Koyama T, Sato A, Ueda T, Soeda T, Saito Y. Prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy after cardiovascular catheterization and intervention with high-dose strong statin therapy in Japan - the PREVENT CINC-J study. Circ J 2022;86:1455-1463.
  58. Fujimoto D, Akamatsu H, Morimoto T, Wakuda K, Sato Y, Kawa Y, Yokoyama T, Tamiya M, Hiraoka R, Shingu N, Ikeda H, Tamiya A, Kanazu M, Miyauchi E, Miura S, Yanai M, Yomota M, Morinaga R, Yokoi T, Hata A, Suzuki H, Matsumoto H, Sakata S, Furuya N, Harutani Y, Nakaji I, Otsuki A, Uematsu S, Hara S, Yokoo K, Sugimoto T, Yamamoto N. Histologic transformation of epidermal growth factor receptor-mutated lung cancer. Eur J Cancer 2022;166:41-50.
  59. Takahashi M, Okawa K, Morimoto T, Tsushima R, Sudo Y, Sakamoto A, Sogo M, Ozaki M, Doi M, Morita H, Okumura K, Ito H. Impact of direct oral anticoagulant use on mortality in very old patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Age Ageing 2022;51:afac146.
  60. Koyanagi M, Hatano T, Uchida K, Ogura T, Yamagami H, Shibata M, Enomoto Y, Fukawa N, Matsumoto Y, Sakai N, Takeuchi M, Nonaka T, Shimizu F, Ezura M, Ota T, Ohta H, Morimoto M, Morimoto T, Yoshimura S; ALVO investigators. Safety of apixaban monotherapy for non-valvular atrial fibrillation-related acute stroke with intra-/extra-cranial artery stenosis. Cerebrovasc Dis 2022 (in press).
  61. Seko Y, Yamamoto E, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Shiba M, Yoshikawa Y, Yamashita Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Insomnia in patients with acute heart failure: From the KCHF registry. ESC Heart Fail 2022;9:2988-2996.
  62. Yoshimura J, Yamakawa K, Ohta Y, Nakamura K, Hashimoto H, Kawada M, Takahashi H, Yamagiwa T, Kodate A, Miyamoto K, Fujimi S, Morimoto T. Effect of gram stain-guided initial antibiotic therapy on clinical response in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia: The GRACE-VAP randomized clinical trial. JAMA Netw Open 2022;5:e226136.
  63. Nishimoto Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Taniguchi R, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Su K, Kawato M, Seko Y, Inoko M, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Kuwahara K, Ozasa N, Sato Y, Kimura T. Public assistance in patients with acute heart failure: A report from the KCHF registry. ESC Heart Fail 2022;9:1920-1930.
  64. Nagao K, Maruichi-Kawakami S, Aida K, Matsuto K, Imamoto K, Tamura A, Takazaki T, Nakatsu T, Tanaka M, Nakayama S, Morimoto T, Kimura T, Inada T. Association of peripheral venous pressure with adverse post-discharge outcomes in patients with acute heart failure: A prospective cohort study. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care 2022;11:407-417.
  65. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Klok FA, Barco S, Nishimoto Y, Kato T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Anticoagulation strategies and clinical outcomes after bleeding events during anticoagulation therapy for venous thromboembolism in the practice-based Japanese registry. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2022;54:524-534.
  66. Shiba M, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Seko Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Yamashita Y, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. Left atrial reverse remodeling improves risk stratification in patients with heart failure with recovered ejection fraction. Sci Rep 2022;12:4473.
  67. Kawaji T, Shizuta S, Yamaji K, Tanaka M, Kitano K, Aizawa T, Yamagami S, Komasa A, Yoshizawa T, Kato M, Yokomatsu T, Miki S, Ono K, Morimoto T, Kimura T. Matched comparison of catheter ablation versus conservative management for atrial fibrillation. Heart Vessels 2022;37:1242-1254.
  68. Takeda C, Yamashita Y, Takeuchi M, Yonekura H, Dong L, Hamada M, Hirotsu A, Ono K, Kawakami K, Fukuda K, Morimoto T, Kimura T, Mizota T. Incidence, clinical characteristics, and long-term prognosis of postoperative symptomatic venous thromboembolism: A retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open 2022;12:e055090.
  69. Shiba M, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Seko Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Yamashita Y, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Nakagawa Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. Changes in BNP levels from discharge to 6-month visit predict subsequent outcomes in patients with acute heart failure. PLoS One 2022;17:e0263165.
  70. Yamamoto E, Kato T, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Kawato M, Seko Y, Shiba M, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Appetite loss at discharge from acute decompensated heart failure: Observation from KCHF registry. PLoS One 2022;17:e0267327.
  71. Seko Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Shiba M, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Yamashita Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Starting neurohormonal antagonists in patients with acute heart failure with mid-range and preserved ejection fraction. Circ J 2022;86:1547-1558.
  72. Shimamura N, Naraoka M, Uchida K, Tokuda K, Sakai N, Imamura H, Yamagami H, Tanaka K, Ezura M, Nonaka T, Matsumoto Y, Shibata M, Ohta H, Morimoto M, Fukawa N, Hatano T, Enomoto Y, Takeuchi M, Ota T, Shimizu F, Kimura N, Kamiya Y, Morimoto T, Yoshimura S. Reperfusion therapy brings apixaban administration forward in patients with nonvalvular arterial fibrillation with anterior circulation large vessel occlusion or stenosis. World Neurosurg 2022;162:e503-e510.
  73. Teragawa H, Morimoto T, Fujii Y, Ueda T, Sakuma M, Shimabukuro M, Arasaki O, Node K, Nomiyama T, Ueda S. Effect of anagliptin versus sitagliptin on renal function: Subanalyzes from the REASON trial. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes 2022;15:685-694.
  74. Miyagawa N, Kawazoe Y, Sato T, Kushimoto S, Miyamoto K, Ohta Y, Morimoto T, Yamamura H; DESIRE trial investigators. Comparison between midazolam and propofol in acute phase for ventilated patients with sepsis: A post-hoc analysis of the DESIRE trial. Acute Med Surg 2022;9:e746.
  75. *Takeuchi J, Kusunoki T, Morimoto T. Association of skin carotenoid score and food intake among school children: A multicenter cross-sectional study. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol 2022;68:127-130.
  76. Kamogawa N, Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Yoshimoto T, Uchida K, Morimoto T, Imamura H, Sakai N, Ohara N, Matsumoto Y, Takeuchi M, Shigeta K, Toyoda K, Yoshimura S. Outcomes of symptomatic anterior large vessel occlusion by initial imaging assessment using diffusion-weighted imaging versus noncontrast computed tomography. Stroke Vasc Interv Neurol 2022;2:e000170.
  77. Araki H, Uchida K, Yoshimura S, Kurisu K, Shime N, Sakamoto S, Aoki S, Ichinose N, Kajihara Y, Tominaga A, Naka H, Mizoue T, Sumida M, Hirotsune N, Nomura E, Matsushige T, Kanazawa J, Kato Y, Kawamoto Y, Kuroki K, *Morimoto T. Effect of region-wide use of prehospital stroke triage scale on management of patients with acute stroke. J Neurointerv Surg 2022;14:677-682.
  78. Koretsune Y, Hoshino H, Matsuo Y, Ibuki T, *Morimoto T. Comparative safety and effectiveness of apixaban vs. warfarin in oral anticoagulant-naïve Japanese patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation - A retrospective chart review study. Circ J 2022;86:213-221.
  79. Kawaji T, Morimoto T, Aizawa T, Hojo S, Kushiyama A, Yaku H, Nakatsuma K, Kaneda K, Kato M, Yokomatsu T, Miki S, Kimura T. Different kinetics of activated clotting time among uninterrupted oral anticoagulants during catheter ablation procedure. J Clin Pharmacol 2022;62:792-800.
  80. Nagao K, Kato T, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Su K, Kawato M, Seko Y, Inada T, Inoko M, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Ozasa N, Kimura T. Current use of inotropes according to initial blood pressure and peripheral perfusion in the treatment of congestive heart failure: Findings from a multicenter observational study. BMJ Open 2022;12:e053254.
  81. Numa S, Uchida K, Sakai N, Yamagami H, Shirakawa M, Kageyama H, Morimoto T, Yoshimura S; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Influence of single pass recanalization in acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion in patients of Asian ethnicity. J Neurol Sci 2022;432:120076.
  82. Maruichi-Kawakami S, Aida K, Matsuto K, Imamoto K, Tamura A, Takazaki T, Nakatsu T, Tanaka M, Nakayama S, Morimoto T, Kimura T, Inada T, Nagao K. Peripheral venous pressure measurements to evaluate congestion in heart failure. J Card Fail 2022:S1071-9164(21)00489-9.
  83. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kimura T. Venous thromboembolism: Recent advancement and future perspective. J Cardiol 2022;79:79-89.
  84. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kimura T. Optimal duration of anticoagulation therapy for venous thromboembolism in autoimmune diseases. Eur J Intern Med 2022;95:102-103.
  85. Yamamoto K, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Takeji Y, Yamaji K, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Yoshikawa Y, Yamamoto E, Fuki M, Kato E, Yamashita Y, Yaku H, Nakatsuma K, Watanabe H, Matsuda M, Tamura T, Inoko M, Mabuchi H, Shirotani M, Eizawa H, Ishii K, Inada T, Onodera T, Shinoda E, Yamamoto T, Toyofuku M, Takahashi M, Sakamoto H, Miki S, Aoyama T, Suwa S, Sato Y, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry investigators. Coronary artery disease without standard cardiovascular risk factors. Am J Cardiol 2022;164:34-43.
  86. Yamamoto K, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Yoshikawa Y, Tazaki J, Tada T, Watanabe H, Kato E, Toyofuku M, Inada T, Kaneda K, Takeda T, Sakai H, Yamamoto T, Eizawa H, Yamada M, Shinoda E, Mabuchi H, Shirotani M, Matsuda M, Takahashi M, Ishii K, Onodera T, Sakamoto H, Aoyama T, Miki S, Ando K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Ischemic and bleeding events after first major bleeding event in patients undergoing coronary stent implantation. Am J Cardiol 2022;162:13-23.
  87. Seko Y, Kishimori T, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Shiba M, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Yamashita Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study invesigators. Coronary angiography in patients with acute heart failure: From the KCHF registry. ESC Heart Fail 2022;9:531-544.
  88. Yamaji K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Ehara N, Sakamoto H, Takeji Y, Yoshikawa Y, Yamamoto K, Kato E, Imada K, Tada T, Taniguchi R, Nishikawa R, Tada T, Uegaito T, Ogawa T, Yamada M, Takeda T, Eizawa H, Tamura N, Tambara K, Suwa S, Shirotani M, Tamura T, Inoko M, Nishizawa J, Natsuaki M, Sakai H, Yamamoto T, Kanemitsu N, Ohno N, Ishii K, Marui A, Tsuneyoshi H, Terai Y, Nakayama S, Yamazaki K, Takahashi M, Tamura T, Esaki J, Miki S, Onodera T, Mabuchi H, Furukawa Y, Tanaka M, Komiya T, Soga Y, Hanyu M, Domei T, Ando K, Kadota K, Minatoya K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry investigators. Modifiers of the risk of diabetes for long-term outcomes after coronary revascularization: CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry. JACC Asia 2022;2:294-308.
  89. Harada J, Nagata K, Morimoto T, Iwata K, Matsunashi A, Sato Y, Tachikawa R, Ishikawa A, Tomii K. Effect of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy on exercise tolerance in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A randomized crossover trial. Respirology 2022;27:144-151.
  90. Yamashita Y, Amano H, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Hata R, Matsushita K, Osakada K, Sano A, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Inoko M, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Nishimoto Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Kato T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Risk factors of thrombotic recurrence and major bleeding in patients with intermediate-risk for recurrence of venous thromboembolism. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2022;53:182-190.
  91. Miwa Y, Matsushita-Mutoh A, Morimoto T, Ikehara Y, Yasu T, Koba S, Ako J, Higashi Y, Kajikawa M, Uehara H, Ishikawa K, Sakuma I, Tomiyama H, Node K, Kumagai Y, Ueda S. Effects of low-dose colchicine on serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level in coronary artery disease patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and enhanced inflammatory response: Protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2, dose-finding study. Biomed Hub 2022;7:156-164.
  92. Murai R, Kawase Y, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Ohya M, Shimada T, Maruo T, Fuku Y, Komiya T, Ando K, Hanyu M, Kanamori N, Aoyama T, Murata K, Onodera T, Yamazaki F, Kitai T, Furukawa Y, Koyama T, Miyake M, Izumi C, Nakagawa Y, Yamanaka K, Mitsuoka H, Shirotani M, Kato M, Miki S, Nakajima H, Hirano Y, Miyazaki S, Saga T, Sugioka S, Matsuda S, Matsuda M, Ogawa T, Nagao K, Inada T, Nakayama S, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Sakamoto H, Sakaguchi G, Yamane K, Eizawa H, Toyofuku M, Tamura T, Iwakura A, Ishii M, Akao M, Shiraga K, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ueyama K, Ikeda T, Himura Y, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Sato Y, Fujiwara K, Kato Y, Kouchi I, Inuzuka Y, Ikeguchi S, Miwa S, Maeda C, Shinoda E, Nishizawa J, Jinnai T, Higashitani N, Kitano M, Morikami Y, Kitaguchi S, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Concomitant mitral regurgitation in severe aortic stenosis: A report from the CURRENT AS registry. Circ J 2022;86:427-437.
  93. Hara H, Watanabe H, Esaki J, Hori Y, Hirao S, Kanemitsu N, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Yamaji K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Watanabe H, Natsuaki M, Hanyu M, Komiya T, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Five-year outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting and percutaneous coronary intervention in octogenarians with complex coronary artery disease. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2022;70:419-429.
  94. Furuhashi M, Sakuma I, Morimoto T, Higashiura Y, Sakai A, Matsumoto M, Sakuma M, Shimabukuro M, Nomiyama T, Arasaki O, Node K, Ueda S. Differential effects of DPP-4 inhibitors, anagliptin and sitagliptin, on PCSK9 levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who are receiving statin therapy. J Atheroscler Thromb 2022;29:24-37.
  95. Yoshimura S, Uchida K, Sakai N, Imamura H, Yamagami H, Tanaka K, Ezura M, Nonaka T, Matsumoto Y, Shibata M, Ohta H, Morimoto M, Fukawa N, Hatano T, Enomoto Y, Takeuchi M, Ota T, Shimizu F, Kimura N, Kamiya Y, Shimamura N, *Morimoto T. Safety of early administration of apixaban on clinical outcomes in patients with acute large vessel occlusion. Transl Stroke Res 2021;12:266-274.
  96. Uchida K, Yoshimura S, Sakakibara F, Kinjo N, Araki H, Saito S, *Morimoto T; JUST score investigators. Simplified prehospital prediction rule to estimate the likelihood of 4 types of stroke: The 7-item Japan urgent stroke triage (JUST-7) score. Prehosp Emerg Care 2021;25:465-474.
  97. Okada S, Morimoto T, Ogawa H, Soejima H, Matsumoto C, Sakuma M, Nakayama M, Doi N, Jinnouchi H, Waki M, Masuda I, Saito Y. Association between statins and cancer incidence in diabetes: A cohort study of Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes. J Gen Intern Med 2021;36:632-639.
  98. Yaku H, Seko Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Prognostic implications of residual pleural effusions at discharge in patients with acute decompensated heart failure. Eur J Intern Med. 2021;85:133-135.
  99. Tokuda K, Yamada Y, Uchida K, Sakakibara F, Sakai N, Imamura H, Yamagami H, Tanaka K, Ezura M, Nonaka T, Matsumoto Y, Shibata M, Ohta H, Kageyama H, Morimoto M, Fukawa N, Hatano T, Enomoto Y, Takeuchi M, Ota T, Shimizu F, Kimura N, Kamiya Y, Shimamura N, Morimoto T, Yoshimura S. Effect of prior antiplatelet therapy on large vessel occlusion in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation newly initiated on apixaban. J Neurol Sci 2021;428:117603.
  100. Okawa K, Hara S, Morimoto T, Tsushima R, Sudo Y, Sogo M, Ozaki M, Takahashi M, Doi M, Morita H, Ito H. Effect of pre-procedural pharmacologic cardioversion on pulmonary vein isolation in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm 2021;18:1473-1479.
  101. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Inoko M, Tada T, Izumi T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Nishimoto Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Kato T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Severity of pulmonary embolism at initial diagnosis and long-term clinical outcomes: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Int J Cardiol 2021;343:107-113.
  102. Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Yoshikawa Y, Yamaji K, Tada T, Tazaki J, Ehara N, Taniguchi R, Tamura T, Iwakura A, Tada T, Watanabe H, Suwa S, Toyofuku M, Inada T, Kaneda K, Ogawa T, Takeda T, Sakai H, Yamamoto T, Tambara K, Esaki J, Eizawa H, Yamada M, Shinoda E, Nishizawa J, Mabuchi H, Tamura N, Shirotani M, Nakayama S, Uegaito T, Matsuda M, Takahashi M, Inoko M, Kanemitsu N, Tamura T, Ishii K, Nawada R, Onodera T, Ohno N, Koyama T, Tsuneyoshi H, Sakamoto H, Aoyama T, Miki S, Tanaka M, Sato Y, Yamazaki F, Hanyu M, Soga Y, Komiya T, Ando K, Minatoya K, Kimura T. Coronary revascularization in the past two decades in Japan (From the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registries cohort-1, -2, and -3). Am J Cardiol 2021;153:20-29.
  103. Seko Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Shiba M, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Yamashita Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Jinnai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study invesigators. Newly diagnosed infection after admission for acute heart failure: From the KCHF registry. J Am Heart Assoc 2021;10:e023256.
  104. Obayashi Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Tamaki Y, Inoko M, Yamamoto K, Takeji Y, Tada T, Nagao K, Yamaji K, Kaneda K, Suwa S, Tamura T, Sakamoto H, Inada T, Matsuda M, Sato Y, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry wave-2 investigators. Newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation in acute myocardial infarction. J Am Heart Assoc 2021;10:e021417.
  105. Yamamoto K, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ozasa N, Sakamoto H, Takeji Y, Imada K, Tada T, Taniguchi R, Uegaito T, Yamada M, Takeda T, Eizawa H, Suwa S, Shirotani M, Tamura T, Inoko M, Sakai H, Yamamoto T, Ishii K, Takahashi M, Tamura T, Miki S, Onodera T, Furukawa Y, Tanaka M, Ando K, Kadota K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Effect of polypharmacy on long-term mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol 2021;159:19-29.
  106. Hata R, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Amano H, Murai R, Osakada K, Sano A, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Doi K, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Nishimoto Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Tsujisaka Y, Seko Y, Matsushita K, Yoneda F, Kato T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Periprocedural management and clinical outcomes of invasive procedures after venous thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2021;53:540-549.
  107. Kawabe A, Yasu T, Morimoto T, Tokushige A, Momomura S, Sakakura K, Node K, Inoue T, Ueda S; CHD collaborative investigators. WBC count predicts heart failure in diabetes and coronary artery disease patients: A retrospective cohort study. ESC Heart Fail 2021;8:3748-3759.
  108. Takeji Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Yamamoto K, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Nagao K, Taniguchi R, Yamaji K, Tada T, Kato E, Yoshikawa Y, Obayashi Y, Suwa S, Inoko M, Ehara N, Tamura T, Onodera T, Watanabe H, Toyofuku M, Nakatsuma K, Sakamoto H, Ando K, Furukawa Y, Sato Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry wave-2 investigators. Differences in mortality and causes of death between STEMI and NSTEMI in the early and late phases after acute myocardial infarction. PLoS One 2021;16:e0259268.
  109. Yamamoto K, Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Domei T, Ohya M, Ogita M, Takagi K, Suzuki H, Nikaido A, Ishii M, Fujii S, Natsuaki M, Yasuda S, Kaneko T, Tamura T, Abe M, Kawai K, Nakao K, Ando K, Tanabe K, Ikari Y, Hanaoka KI, Morino Y, Kozuma K, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 investigators. Very short dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients who underwent complex percutaneous coronary intervention: Insight from the STOPDAPT-2 trial. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2021;14:e010384.
  110. Iguchi M, Kato T, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Hamatani Y, Yamashita Y, Masunaga N, Ogawa H, Ishii M, An Y, Taniguchi R, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Kawato M, Seko Y, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Abe M, Akao M, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. Ischemic stroke in acute decompensated heart failure: From the KCHF registry. J Am Heart Assoc 2021;10:e022525.
  111. Todo K, Yoshimura S, Uchida K, Yamagami H, Sakai N, Kishima H, Mochizuki H, Ezura M, Okada Y, Kitagawa K, Kimura K, Sasaki M, Tanahashi N, Toyoda K, Furui E, Matsumaru Y, Minematsu K, Kitano T, Okazaki S, Sasaki T, Sakaguchi M, Takagaki M, Nishida T, Nakamura H, Morimoto T. Time-outcome relationship in acute large-vessel occlusion exists across all ages: Subanalysis of RESCUE-Japan registry 2. Sci Rep 2021;11:12782.
  112. Tatebayashi K, Uchida K, Kageyama H, Imamura H, Ohara N, Sakai N, Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Matsumoto Y, Takeuchi M, Morimoto T, Yoshimura S; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Differences in acute ischemic stroke management and prognosis between multiple large-vessel occlusion and single large-vessel occlusion: Subanalysis of the RESCUE-Japan registry 2. Cerebrovasc Dis 2021;50:397-404.
  113. Enomoto Y, Uchida K, Yamagami H, Imamura H, Ohara N, Sakai N, Tanaka K, Matsumoto Y, Egashira Y, Morimoto T, Yoshimura S. Impact of procedure time on clinical outcomes of patients who underwent endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis 2021;50:443-449.
  114. Shirakawa M, Matsukawa H, Imamura H, Sakai N, Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Matsumoto Y, Takeuchi M, Uchida K, Morimoto T, Yoshimura S; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke in patients with large-vessel occlusion due to atherosclerotic stenosis. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2021;30:105960.
  115. Doi A, Iwata K, Kuroda H, Hasuike T, Nasu S, Nishioka H, Tomii K, Morimoto T, Kihara Y. A cross-sectional follow up study to estimate seroprevalence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Kobe, Japan. Medicine 2021;100:e28066.
  116. Aoyama Y, Inaba T, Takahashi S, Yasuhara H, Hiraoka S, Morimoto T, Colvin HS, Wato M, Ando M, Nakamura S, Mizobuchi K, Okada H. Anti-proteinase 3 antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody reflects disease activity and predicts the response to steroid therapy in ulcerative colitis. BMC Gastroenterol 2021;21:325.
  117. Nishimoto Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Sato Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Risk factors of recurrence in patients with cancer-associated venous thromboembolism. Eur J Intern Med 2021;91:98-101.
  118. Onishi N, Kaitani K, Nakagawa Y, Inoue K, Kobori A, Nakazawa Y, Ozawa T, Kurotobi T, Morishima I, Miura F, Watanabe T, Masuda M, Naito M, Fujimoto H, Nishida T, Furukawa Y, Shirayama T, Tanaka M, Okajima K, Yao T, Egami Y, Satomi K, Noda T, Miyamoto K, Haruna T, Higashi Y, Ito M, Horie M, Kusano K, Shimizu W, Kamakura S, Shimizu Y, Hanazawa K, Tamura T, Izumi C, Morimoto T, Kimura T, Shizuta S; EAST-AF investigator. The association between late-phase early recurrence within the blanking period after atrial fibrillation catheter ablation and long-term recurrence: Insights from a large-scale multicenter study. Int J Cardiol 2021;341:39-45.
  119. Motoyama Y, Morimoto T, Takeuchi J, Kusunoki T. Fall birth is associated with prolonged elimination in Japanese children with hen’s egg allergy: A population-based study. Allergol Int 2021;70:498-500.
  120. Obata H, Izumi T, Yamashita M, Mitsuma W, Suzuki K, Noto S, Morimoto T, Isobe M. Characteristics of elderly patients with heart failure and impact on activities of daily living: A registry report from super-aged society. J Card Fail 2021;27:1203-1213.
  121. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Kadota K, Tada T, Takeji Y, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Yoshikawa Y, Watanabe H, Yamamoto K, Imada K, Domei T, Yamaji K, Kaneda K, Taniguchi R, Ehara N, Nawada R, Toyofuku M, Shinoda E, Suwa S, Tamura T, Inada T, Matsuda M, Aoyama T, Sato Y, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Effects of acute coronary syndrome and stable coronary artery disease on bleeding and ischemic risk after percutaneous coronary intervention. Circ J 2021;85:1928-1941.
  122. Arai H, Matsumoto S, *Morimoto T. Implication of exercise training in patients with aortic stenosis. Circ Rep 2021;3:689.
  123. Tatebayashi K, Yoshimura S, Sakai N, Uchida K, Yamagami H, Morimoto T; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Relationship between acute neurological function and long-term prognosis in patients with large arterial occlusions. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2021;30:105625.
  124. Kawakami D, Fujitani S, Morimoto T, Dote H, Takita M, Takaba A, Hino M, Nakamura M, Irie H, Adachi T, Shibata M, Kataoka J, Korenaga A, Yamashita T, Okazaki T, Okumura M, Tsunemitsu T. Prevalence of post-intensive care syndrome among Japanese intensive care unit patients: A prospective, multicenter, observational J-PICS study. Crit Care 2021;25:69.
  125. Tamaki Y, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Ozasa N, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Miyake M, Kondo H, Tamura T, Kitai T, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Kawato M, Toyofuku M, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Nakagawa Y, Kato T, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Lower in-hospital mortality with beta-blocker use at admission in patients with acute decompensated heart failure. J Am Heart Assoc 2021;10:e020012.
  126. Seko Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Shiba M, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Yamashita Y, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Improved and new-onset anemia during follow-up in patients with acute decompensated heart failure: Characteristics and outcomes. Medicine 2021;100:e26892.
  127. Kanenawa K, Yamaji K, Tashiro H, Morimoto T, Hiromasa T, Hayashi M, Hiramori S, Tomoi Y, Kuramitsu S, Domei T, Hyodo M, Ando K, Kimura T. Frailty and bleeding after percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol 2021;148:22-29.
  128. Kawase Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Hata R, Murai R, Tada T, Katoh H, Kadota K, Yamamoto E, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Yoshikawa Y, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. Admission systolic blood pressure as a prognostic predictor of acute decompensated heart failure: A report from the KCHF registry. PLoS One 2021;16:e0253999.
  129. Yamashita Y, Bikdeli B, Monreal M, Morimoto T, Kato T, Ono K, de Ancos C, López-Núñez JJ, Braester A, Mellado M, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators; RIETE investigators. Difference between Japanese and white patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Thromb Res 2021;204:52-56.
  130. Ito J, Kawakami D, Morimoto T, Ueta H, Shimozono T, Mima H. The effect of changing arterial transducer position on stroke volume measurements using FloTrac system version 4.0: A pilot experimental study. Crit Care Explor 2021;3:e0465.
  131. Yamamoto K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Tada T, Takeji Y, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Yoshikawa Y, Imada K, Domei T, Kaneda K, Taniguchi R, Ehara N, Nawada R, Natsuaki M, Yamaji K, Toyofuku M, Kanemitsu N, Shinoda E, Suwa S, Iwakura A, Tamura T, Soga Y, Inada T, Matsuda M, Koyama T, Aoyama T, Sato Y, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Yamazaki F, Komiya T, Minatoya K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary artery bypass grafting among patients with unprotected left main coronary artery disease in the new-generation drug-eluting stents era (From CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3). Am J Cardiol 2021;145:47-57.
  132. Matsumura-Nakano Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Yamaji K, Ehara N, Sakamoto H, Takeji Y, Yoshikawa Y, Yamamoto K, Imada K, Tada T, Taniguchi R, Nishikawa R, Tada T, Uegaito T, Ogawa T, Yamada M, Takeda T, Eizawa H, Tamura N, Tambara K, Suwa S, Shirotani M, Tamura T, Inoko M, Nishizawa J, Natsuaki M, Sakai H, Yamamoto T, Kanemitsu N, Ohno N, Ishii K, Marui A, Tsuneyoshi H, Terai Y, Nakayama S, Yamazaki K, Takahashi M, Tamura T, Esaki J, Miki S, Onodera T, Mabuchi H, Furukawa Y, Tanaka M, Komiya T, Soga Y, Hanyu M, Ando K, Kadota K, Minatoya K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Comparison of outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary artery bypass grafting among patients with three-vessel coronary artery disease in the new-generation drug-eluting stents era (From CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3). Am J Cardiol 2021;145:25-36.
  133. Yamamoto K, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Takeji Y, Kadota K, Imada K, Toyofuku M, Kanemitsu N, Shinoda E, Suwa S, Iwakura A, Tamura T, Soga Y, Inada T, Matsuda M, Koyama T, Aoyama T, Kato E, Sato Y, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Yamazaki F, Komiya T, Minatoya K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T. Percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with versus without chronic kidney disease. Am J Cardiol 2021;145:37-46.
  134. Takeji Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Yoshikawa Y, Taniguchi R, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Yamamoto K, Yamaji K, Tazaki J, Kato E, Watanabe H, Yamamoto E, Yamashita Y, Fukui M, Suwa S, Inoko M, Takeda T, Shirotani M, Ehara N, Ishii K, Inada T, Tamura T, Onodera T, Shinoda E, Yamamoto T, Watanabe H, Yaku H, Nakatsuma K, Sakamoto H, Ando K, Soga Y, Furukawa Y, Sato Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Komiya T, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry wave-1 and the CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry wave-2 investigators. Changes in demographics, clinical practices, and long-term outcomes of patients with ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction who underwent coronary revascularization in the past two decades: Cohort study. BMJ Open 2021;11:e043683.
  135. Takeji Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Yoshikawa Y, Taniguchi R, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Yamamoto K, Yamaji K, Tazaki J, Suwa S, Inoko M, Takeda T, Shirotani M, Ehara N, Ishii K, Inada T, Onodera T, Shinoda E, Yamamoto T, Tamura T, Nakatsuma K, Sakamoto H, Ando K, Soga Y, Furukawa Y, Sato Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Komiya T, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 and the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Demographics, practice patterns and long-term outcomes of patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome in the past two decades: The CREDO-Kyoto cohort-2 and cohort-3. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044329.
  136. Shiba M, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Seko Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Yamashita Y, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Prognostic value of reduction in left atrial size during a follow-up of heart failure: An observational study. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044409.
  137. Seko Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Shiba M, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Yamashita Y, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. A decrease in tricuspid regurgitation pressure gradient associates with favorable outcome in patients with heart failure. ESC Heart Fail 2021;8:2826-2836.
  138. Hosoya K, Fujimoto D, Morimoto T, Kumagai T, Tamiya A, Taniguchi Y, Yokoyama T, Ishida T, Matsumoto H, Hirano K, Kominami R, Tomii K, Suzuki H, Hirashima T, Tanaka S, Uchida J, Morita M, Kanazu M, Mori M, Nagata K, Fukuda I, Tamiya M. Clinical factors associated with shorter durable response, and patterns of acquired resistance to first-line pembrolizumab monotherapy in PD-L1-positive non-small-cell lung cancer patients: A retrospective multicenter study. BMC Cancer 2021;21:346.
  139. Yamamoto K, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Shiomi H, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Tada T, Takeji Y, Yoshikawa Y, Imada K, Domei T, Kaneda K, Taniguchi R, Ehara N, Nawada R, Yamaji K, Kato E, Toyofuku M, Kanemitsu N, Shinoda E, Suwa S, Iwakura A, Tamura T, Soga Y, Inada T, Matsuda M, Koyama T, Aoyama T, Sato Y, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Yamazaki F, Komiya T, Minatoya K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Effect of heart failure on long-term clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with severe coronary artery disease. J Am Heart Assoc 2021;10:e021257.
  140. Washida K, Kato T, Ozasa N, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Seko Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Yamashita Y, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. Risk factors and clinical outcomes of nonhome discharge in patients with acute decompensated heart failure: An observational study. J Am Heart Assoc 2021;10:e020292.
  141. Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Yoshimoto T, Uchida K, Morimoto T, Toyoda K, Sakai N, Yoshimura S. Endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke in patients with prestroke disability. J Am Heart Assoc 2021;10:e020783.
  142. Koge J, Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Yoshimoto T, Uchida K, Morimoto T, Toyoda K, Sakai N, Yoshimura S. Mechanical thrombectomy for stroke patients anticoagulated with direct oral anticoagulants versus warfarin. J Neurol Sci 2021;427:117545.
  143. Yazawa Y, Ohira T, Itabashi R Uchida K, Sakai N, Yamagami H, Morimoto T, Yoshimura S; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Association of admission hyperglycemia with clinical outcomes in Japanese patients with acute large vessel occlusion stroke: A post hoc analysis of the recovery by endovascular salvage for cerebral ultra-acute embolism Japan registry 2. Cerebrovasc Dis 2021;50:12-19.
  144. Yamamoto K, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Nakatsuma K, Watanabe H, Yamamoto E, Kato E, Fuki M, Yamaji K, Nishikawa R, Nagao K, Takeji Y, Watanabe H, Tazaki J, Watanabe S, Saito N, Yamazaki K, Soga Y, Komiya T, Ando K, Minatoya K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Periprocedural stroke after coronary revascularization (from the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3). Am J Cardiol 2021;142:35-43.
  145. Kaneda K, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Morita Y, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Nakagawa Y, Nishimoto Y, Saga S, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Ishii K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Hojo S, Kawaji T, Kushiyama A, Yaku H, Nakatsuma K, Kato M, Yokomatsu T, Miki S, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Influence of low body weight on long-term clinical outcomes in patients with venous thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Thromb Res 2021;198:26-33.
  146. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Autoimmune disorders and venous thromboembolism: An update from the COMMAND VTE registry. Eur J Intern Med 2021;84:106-108.
  147. Sato Y, Morimoto T, Hara S, Nagata K, Hosoya K, Nakagawa A, Tachikawa R, Tomii K. Dissociated response and clinical benefit in patients treated with nivolumab monotherapy. Invest New Drugs 2021;39:1170-1178.
  148. Dmytriw AA, Ku JC, Yang VXD, Hui N, Uchida K, Morimoto T, Spears J, Marotta TR, Diestro JDB. Do outcomes between women and men differ after endovascular thrombectomy? A meta-analysis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2021;42:910-915.
  149. Yamamoto K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Takeji Y, Yoshikawa Y, Natsuaki M, Watanabe H, Tada T, Tazaki J, Yamaji K, Tamura T, Ando K, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T. Ischemic and bleeding risk after complex percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with or without high bleeding risk. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2021;97:E758-770.
  150. Shiba M, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Seko Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Yamashita Y, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. Serum cholinesterase as a prognostic biomarker for acute heart failure. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care 2021;10:335-342.
  151. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Morita Y, Tada T, Izumi T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Nishimoto Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with venous thromboembolism according to diagnosis on weekends versus on weekdays. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2021;51:779-788.
  152. Morillo R, Jimenez D, Bikdeli B, Rodriguez C, Tenes A, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kimura T, Vidal G, Ruiz-Gimenz N, Espitia O, Monreal M; RIETE investigators. Refinement of a modified simplified pulmonary embolism severity index for elderly patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Int J Cardiol 2021;335:111-117.
  153. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ehara N, Taniguchi R, Tamura T, Tada T, Suwa S, Kaneda K, Watanabe H, Tazaki J, Watanabe S, Yamamoto E, Saito N, Fuki M, Takeda T, Eizawa H, Shinoda E, Mabuchi H, Shirotani M, Uegaito T, Matsuda M, Takahashi M, Inoko M, Tamura T, Ishii K, Onodera T, Sakamoto H, Aoyama T, Sato Y, Ando K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-3 investigators. Application of the modified high bleeding risk criteria for Japanese patients in an all-comers registry of percutaneous coronary intervention- From the CREDO-Kyoto registry cohort-3. Circ J 2021;85:769-781.
  154. Song X, Saito N, Morimoto T, Taniguchi T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Nagao K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Inada T, Murakami T, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Yoshikawa Y, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Long-term impact of diabetes mellitus on initially conservatively managed patients with severe aortic stenosis. Circ J 2021;85:1083-1092.
  155. Ohira J, Ohara N, Hinoda T, Morimoto T, Kohara N. Patient characteristics with negative diffusion-weighted imaging findings in acute lateral medullary infarction. Neurol Sci 2021;42:689-696.
  156. Takeji Y, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Saito N, Ando K, Shirai S, Kawase Y, Kitai T, Shiomi H, Minamino-Muta E, Matsuda S, Yamazaki K, Miyake M, Murata K, Kanamori N, Izumi C, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Inada T, Nagao K, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Ishii K, Hotta K, Jinnai T, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Morikami Y, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Clinical outcome after surgical aortic valve replacement in low-risk Japanese patients with severe aortic stenosis. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2021;36:121-130.
  157. Watanabe H, Domei T, Morimoto T, Natsuaki M, Shiomi H, Toyota T, Ohya M, Suwa S, Takagi K, Nanasato M, Hata Y, Yagi M, Suematsu N, Yokomatsu T, Takamisawa I, Doi M, Noda T, Okayama H, Seino Y, Tada T, Sakamoto H, Hibi K, Abe M, Kawai K, Nakao K, Ando K, Tanabe K, Ikari Y, Hanaoka KI, Morino Y, Kozuma K, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 investigators. Details on the effect of very short dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients with high bleeding risk: Insight from the STOPDAPT-2 trial. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2021;36:91-103.
  158. Fujita K, Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Yoshimoto T, Uchida K, Morimoto T, Imamura H, Sakai N, Ohara N, Matsumoto Y, Takeuchi M, Shigeta K, Toyoda K, Yoshimura S. Outcomes of large vessel occlusion stroke in patients aged ≥90 years. Stroke 2021;52:1561-1569.
  159. Arai H, Nozoe M, Matsumoto S, *Morimoto T. Exercise training for patients with severe aortic stenosis in a convalescent rehabilitation ward: A retrospective cohort study. Circ Rep 2021;3:361-367.
  160. Ishiguchi H, Shimizu A, Ishikura M, Yoshida M, Imoto K, Sonoyama K, Kawabata T, Sugamori T, Ogawa M, Uchida T, Nakamura T, Morimoto T, Yasuda Y, Tanabe K, Yoshiga Y, Okamura T, Kobayashi S, Yano M, Oda T. Association between atrial high-rate episodes and ischemic/major bleeding events in patients with a cardiac implantable electronic device - A 10-year, single-center historical cohort study. Circ J 2021;85:1329-1337.
  161. Sato T, Kawazoe Y, Miyagawa N, Yokokawa Y, Kushimoto S, Miyamoto K, Ohta Y, Morimoto T, Yamamura H. Effect of age on dexmedetomidine treatment for ventilated patients with sepsis: A post-hoc analysis of the DESIRE trial. Acute Med Surg 2021;8:e644.
  162. Doi A, Iwata K, Kuroda H, Hasuike T, Nasu S, Kanda A, Nagao T, Nishioka H, Tomii K, Morimoto T, Kihara Y. Estimation of seroprevalence of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) using preserved serum at an outpatient setting in Kobe, Japan: A cross-sectional study. Clin Epidemiol Glob Health 2021;11:100747.
  163. Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Ogita M, Suwa S, Natsuaki M, Suematsu N, Koeda Y, Morino Y, Nikaido A, Hata Y, Doi M, Hibi K, Kimura K, Yoda S, Kaneko T, Nishida K, Kawai K, Yamaguchi K, Wakatsuki T, Tonoike N, Yamamoto M, Shimizu S, Shimohama T, Ako J, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 investigators. Influence of CYP2C19 genotypes for the effect of 1-month dual antiplatelet therapy followed by clopidogrel monotherapy relative to 12-month dual antiplatelet therapy on clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention; A genetic substudy from the STOPDAPT-2. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2021;36:403-415.
  164. Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Takeji Y, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Yamamoto K, Yamamoto E, Kato E, Watanabe H, Saito N, Domei T, Tada T, Nawada R, Onodera T, Suwa S, Tamura T, Ishii K, Ando K, Furukawa Y, Kadota K, Nakagawa Y; Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 and cohort-3 investigators. Stent-related adverse events as related to dual antiplatelet therapy in first- versus second-generation drug-eluting stents. JACC Asia 2021;1:345-356.
  165. Nakamichi T, Hashimoto M, Nakamura A, Kuroda A, Tanaka T, Takeuchi J, Matsumoto S, Morimoto T, Kondo N, Domen K, Hasegawa S. Quality of life and lung function after pleurectomy/decortication for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2021;33:572-579.
  166. Hata R, Kato T, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Kawase Y, Yamamoto E, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Yamashita Y, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Morinaga T, Furukawa Y, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kimura T. Implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy in patients with acute decompensated heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: An observation from the KCHF registry. J Cardiol 2021;77:292-299.
  167. Nishiwaki S, Morita Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Inoko M, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Impact of no, distal, and proximal deep vein thrombosis on clinical outcomes in patients with acute pulmonary embolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. J Cardiol 2021;77:395-403.
  168. Matsumoto C, Ogawa H, Saito Y, Okada S, Soejima H, Sakuma M, Masuda I, Nakayama M, Doi N, Jinnouchi H, Waki M, *Morimoto T; JPAD trial investigators. Sex difference in effects of low-dose aspirin on prevention of dementia in patients with type 2 diabetes: A long-term follow-up study of a randomized clinical trial. Diabetes Care 2020;43:314-320.
  169. Ohta Y, Miyamoto K, Kawazoe Y, Yamamura H, *Morimoto T. Effect of dexmedetomidine on inflammation in patients with sepsis requiring mechanical ventilation: A sub-analysis of a multicenter randomized clinical trial. Crit Care 2020;24:493.
  170. Uchida K, Yoshimura S, Imamura H, Ohara N, Sakai N, Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Matsumoto Y, Takeuchi M, *Morimoto T; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Effect of statin administration after onset of acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion: Insights from RESCUE-Japan registry 2. J Am Heart Assoc 2020;9:e017472.
  171. Kinjo N, Yoshimura S, Uchida K, Sakai N, Yamagami H, *Morimoto T; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Incidence and prognostic impact of intracranial hemorrhage after endovascular treatment for acute large vessel occlusion. Cerebrovasc Dis 2020;49:540-549.
  172. Sakakibara F, Yoshimura S, Numa S, Uchida K, Kinjo N, *Morimoto T. Diffusion-weighted imaging-fluid-attenuated inversion recovery mismatch is associated with 90-day functional outcomes in patients undergoing mechanical thrombectomy. Cerebrovasc Dis 2020;49:292-300.
  173. Arai H, Takeuchi J, Nozoe M, Fukuoka T, Matsumoto S, *Morimoto T. Association between active gait training for severely disabled patients with nasogastric tube feeding or gastrostoma and recovery of oral feeding: A retrospective cohort study. Clin Interv Aging 2020;15:1963-1970.
  174. Nishimoto Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Su K, Kawano M, Seko Y, Inoko M, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Kuwahara K, Ozasa N, Sato Y, Kimura T. C-reactive protein at discharge and 1-year mortality in hospitalized patients with acute decompensated heart failure: An observational study. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041068.
  175. Nakashima T, Miyamoto K, Shima N, Kato S, Kawazoe Y, Ohta Y, Morimoto T, Yamamura H; DESIRE trial investigators. Dexmedetomidine improves mortality and renal function in patients with severe sepsis: A exploratory analysis of a randomized controlled trial. J Intensive Care 2020;8:1.
  176. Miyamoto K, Nakashima T, Shima N, Kato S, Kawazoe Y, Morimoto T, Ohta Y, Yamamura H. Utility of a prediction model for delirium in ICU patients (PRE-DELIRIC) in mechanically ventilated patients with sepsis. Acute Med Surg 2020;7:e589.
  177. Saito T, Itabashi R, Yazawa Y, Uchida K, Yamagami H, Sakai N, Morimoto T, Yoshimura S; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Clinical outcome of patients with large vessel occlusion and low National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores: Subanalysis of the RESCUE-Japan registry 2. Stroke 2020;51:1458-1463.
  178. Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Takeji Y, Kato T, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Contemporary issues in severe aortic stenosis: Review of current and future strategies from the contemporary outcomes after surgery and medical treatment in patients with severe aortic stenosis registry. Heart 2020;106:802-809.
  179. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Nishimoto Y, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Usefulness of simplified pulmonary embolism severity index score for identification of patients with low-risk pulmonary embolism and active cancer: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Chest 2020;157:636-644.
  180. Seko Y, Kato T, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Shiba M, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Yamashita Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. Association between body mass index and prognosis of patients hospitalized with heart failure. Sci Rep 2020;10:16663.
  181. Teragawa H, Morimoto T, Fujii Y, Ueda T, Sakuma M, Shimabukuro M, Arasaki O, Node K, Nomiyama T, Ueda S. Effect of anagliptin versus sitagliptin on inflammatory markers: Sub-analysis from the REASON trial. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes 2020;13:4993-5001.
  182. Furuhashi M, Sakuma I, Morimoto T, Higashiura Y, Sakai A, Matsumoto M, Sakuma M, Shimabukuro M, Nomiyama T, Arasaki O, Node K, Ueda S. Independent and distinct associations of FABP4 and FABP5 with metabolic parameters in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Front Endocrinol 2020;11:575557.
  183. Yamamoto E, Kato T, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Himura Y, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Kawato M, Seko Y, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Sex differences in patients with acute decompensated heart failure in Japan: Observation from the KCHF registry. ESC Heart Fail 2020;7:2485-2493.
  184. Furuhashi M, Sakuma I, Morimoto T, Higashiura Y, Sakai A, Matsumoto M, Sakuma M, Shimabukuro M, Nomiyama T, Arasaki O, Node K, Ueda S. Treatment with anagliptin, a DPP-4 inhibitor, decreases FABP4 concentration in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at a high risk for cardiovascular disease who are receiving statin therapy. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2020;19:89.
  185. Takese T, Iwanaga Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Yoshikawa Y, Amano H, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Kobayashi Y, Nishimoto Y, Watanabe H, Yamaji K, Yasuoka R, Ueno M, Kobuke K, Kimura T, Miyazaki S; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Long-term effects of non-retrieved inferior vena cava filters on recurrences of venous thromboembolism in cancer and non-cancer patients: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Eur J Intern Med. 2020;82:90-96.
  186. Hirai H, Higa M, Morimoto T, Sakuma M, Arasaki O, Nomiyama T, Node K, Ueda S, Shimabukuro M. Dissimilar effects of anagliptin and sitagliptin on lipoprotein subclass in standard or strong statin-treated patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus: A subanalysis of the REASON (randomized evaluation of anagliptin versus sitagliptin on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in diabetes) trial. J Clin Med 2020;9:93.
  187. Oh A, Kisanuki K, Nishigaki N, Shimasaki Y, Sakaguchi K, Morimoto T. Comparison of persistence and adherence between DPP-4 inhibitor administration frequencies in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japan: A claims-based cohort study. Curr Med Res Opin 2020;36:387-395.
  188. Futakuchi A, Morimoto T, Ikeda Y, Tanihara H, Inoue T; ROCK-S study group. Intraocular pressure-lowering effects of ripasudil in uveitic glaucoma, exfoliation glaucoma, and steroid-induced glaucoma patients: ROCK-S, a multicentre historical cohort study. Sci Rep 2020;10:10308.
  189. Nishimoto Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Saga S, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Sato Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Predictive ability of modified Ottawa score for recurrence in patients with cancer-associated venous thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Thromb Res 2020;191:66-75.
  190. Hirabayashi R, Takahashi Y, Nagata K, Morimoto T, Wakata K, Nakagawa A, Tachikawa R, Otsuka K, Tomii K. The validity and reliability of four-meter gait speed test for stable interstitial lung disease patients: The prospective study. J Thorac Dis 2020;12:1296-1304.
  191. Ikesue H, Kusuda K, Satsuma Y, Nishiwaki F, Miura R, Masuda Y, Hirabatake M, Muroi N, Fujimoto D, Morimoto T, Tomii K, Hashida T. Evaluation of the usefulness of protocol-based pharmacist-facilitated laboratory monitoring to ensure the safety of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with lung cancer. J Clin Pharm Ther 2020;45:1288-1294.
  192. Tsuyuki Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Kobayashi Y, Ono K, Aoyama T, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Renal dysfunction and long-term clinical outcomes in patients with venous thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Thromb Res 2020;187:39-47. 
  193. Yamamoto K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Natsuaki M, Takeji Y, Watanabe H, Yoshikawa Y, Matsumura-Nakano Y, Shizuta S, Tanabe K, Ando K, Kadota K, Morino Y, Kozuma K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T. Effect of renal dysfunction on the risks for ischemic and bleeding events in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol 2020;125:399-408.
  194. Yoshikawa Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Mabuchi H, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Nishimoto Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Murakami T, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Effect of statins on recurrent venous thromboembolism (From the COMMAND VTE registry). Am J Cardiol 2020;125:189-197.
  195. Hosoya K, Fujimoto D, Morimoto T, Kumagai T, Tamiya A, Taniguchi Y, Yokoyama T, Ishida T, Hirano K, Matsumoto H, Kominami R, Tomii K, Suzuki H, Hirashima T, Uchida J, Morita M, Kanazu M, Sawa N, Makio T, Hara S, Tamiya M. Association between early immune-related adverse events and clinical outcomes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Clin Lung Cancer 2020;21:e315-e328.
  196. Yaku H, Kato T, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Kato M, Ikeda T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Risk factors and clinical outcomes of functional decline during hospitalization in very old patients with acute decompensated heart failure: An observational study. BMJ Open 2020;10:e032674.
  197. Kitano T, Todo K, Yoshimura S, Uchida K, Yamagami H, Sakai N, Sakaguchi M, Nakamura H, Kishima H, Mochizuki H, Ezura M, Okada Y, Kitagawa K, Kimura K, Sasaki M, Tanahashi N, Toyoda K, Furui E, Matsumaru Y, Minematsu K, Morimoto T. Futile complete recanalization: Patients characteristics and its time course. Sci Rep 2020;10:4973.
  198. Yoshimoto T, Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Uchida K, Inoue M, Koge J, Ihara M, Toyoda K, Imamura H, Ohara N, Morimoto T, Sakai N, Yoshimura S. Treatment outcomes by initial neurological deficits in acute stroke patients with basilar artery occlusion: The RESCUE Japan registry 2. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2020;29:105256.
  199. Kato T, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Su K, Kawato M, Seko Y, Inoko M, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Ozasa N, Kimura T. Association with controlling nutritional status (CONUT) score and in-hospital mortality and infection in acute heart failure. Sci Rep 2020;10:3320.
  200. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Watanabe H, Abe M, Kawai K, Nakao K, Ando K, Tanabe K, Ikari Y, Igarashi K, Morino Y, Kozuma K, Kadota K, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-1 and STOPDAPT-2 trial investigators. Clopidogrel monotherapy vs. aspirin monotherapy following short-term dual antiplatelet therapy in patients receiving everolimus-eluting coronary stent implantation. Circ J 2020;84:1483-1492.
  201. Nishimoto Y, Yamashita Y, Kim K, Morimoto T, Saga S, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Sato Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Risk factors for major bleeding during anticoagulation therapy in cancer-associated venous thromboembolisms - From the COMMAND VTE registry. Circ J 2020;84:2006-2014.
  202. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Yamamoto E, Watanabe H, Furukawa Y, Abe M, Nakao K, Ishikawa T, Kawai K, Yunoki K, Shimizu S, Akao M, Miki S, Yamamoto M, Okada H, Hoshino K, Kadota K, Morino Y, Igarashi K, Tanabe K, Kozuma K, Kimura T; STOPDAPT trial investigators. One-year clinical outcomes of patients with versus without acute coronary syndrome with 3-month duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after everolimus-eluting stent implantation. PLoS One 2020;15:e0227612.
  203. Kato T, Yaku H, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Kawato M, Seko Y, Shiba M, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T. Association of an increase in serum albumin levels with positive 1-year outcomes in acute decompensated heart failure: A cohort study. PLoS One 2020;15:e0243818.
  204. Yoshikawa Y, Tamaki Y, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Yamamoto E, Inuzuka Y, Ozasa N, Kitai T, Nagao K, Sato Y, Kondo H, Tamura T, Nakagawa Y, Kuwahara K, Kato T, Kimura T. Impact of left ventricular ejection fraction on the effect of renin-angiotensin system blockers after an episode of acute heart failure: From the KCHF registry. PLoS One 2020;15:e0239100.
  205. Kitai T, Miyakoshi C, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Murai R, Kaji S, Furukawa Y, Inuzuka Y, Nagao K, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto E, Ozasa N, Tang WHW, Kato T, Kimura T. Mode of death among Japanese adults with heart failure with preserved, midrange, and reduced ejection fraction. JAMA Netw Open 2020;3:e204296.
  206. Oi M, Yamashita Y, Toyofuku M, Morimoto T, Motohashi Y, Tamura T, Kaitani K, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Sato Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. D-dimer levels at diagnosis and long-term clinical outcomes in venous thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2020;49:551-561.
  207. Tanaka N, Inoue K, Kobori A, Kaitani K, Morimoto T, Kurotobi T, Morishima I, Yamaji H, Matsui Y, Nakazawa Y, Kusano K, Okada M, Tanaka K, Hirao Y, Oka T, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Fujii K, Kimura T, Shizuta S; KPAF investigator. Sex differences in atrial fibrillation ablation outcomes: Insights from a large-scale multicenter registry. Europace 2020;22:1345-1357.
  208. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Yoshikawa Y, Yaku H, Sumita Y, Nakai M, Ono K, Kimura T. Temporal trends in the practice pattern for venous thromboembolism in Japan: Insight from JROAD-DPC. J Am Heart Assoc 2020;9:e014582.
  209. Nishimoto Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Saga S, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Sato Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry group. Validation of the VTE-BLEED score's long-term performance for major bleeding in patients with venous thromboembolisms: From the COMMAND VTE registry. J Thromb Haemost 2020;18:624-632.
  210. Yamamoto A, Iwanaga K, Matsukura T, Niwa F, Morimoto T, Takita J, Kawai M. Response of preterm infants with transient hypothyroxinemia of prematurity to the thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test is characterized by a delayed decrease in thyroid stimulating hormone after the peak. Clin Endocrinol 2020;93:605-612.
  211. Watanabe H, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Tazaki J, Watanabe H, Natsuaki M, Minatoya K, Hanyu M, Komiya T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry/cohort-2 investigators. Percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary arterial bypass grafting in patients with multi-vessel coronary revascularization (From the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry/cohort-2). Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2020;96:42-51.
  212. Yamamoto K, Natsuaki M, Yoshikawa Y, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Watanabe H, Kato T, Saito N, Kadota K, Ando K, Furukawa Y, Tamura T, Sakamoto H, Toyofuku M, Inada T, Inoko M, Suwa S, Onodera T, Ishii K, Norio Kanamori N, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Effects of body weight on bleeding and ischemic events in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention - From the CREDO-Kyoto registry cohort-2. Circ J 2020;84:1734-1745.
  213. Yamamoto K, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Watanabe H, Yamaji K, Watanabe H, Kato T, Saito N, Ando K, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Transradial vs. transfemoral percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with or without high bleeding risk criteria. Circ J 2020;84:723-732.
  214. Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Shirai S, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Kadota K, Miyake M, Izumi C, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Ishii K, Nagao K, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Elective non-cardiac surgery in patients with severe aortic stenosis - Observations from the CURRENT AS registry. Circ J 2020;84:1173-1182.
  215. Kushiyama A, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Inada T, Nagao K, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Age-related differences in the effects of initial aortic valve replacement vs. conservative strategy on long-term outcomes in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis. Circ J 2020;84:252-261.
  216. Takeji Y, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Saito N, Ando K, Shirai S, Sakaguchi G, Arai Y, Fuku Y, Kawase Y, Komiya T, Ehara N, Kitai T, Koyama T, Watanabe S, Watanabe H, Shiomi H, Minamino-Muta E, Matsuda S, Yaku H, Yoshikawa Y, Yamazaki K, Kawatou M, Sakamoto K, Tamura T, Miyake M, Sakaguchi H, Murata K, Nakai M, Kanamori N, Izumi C, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Inada T, Nagao K, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Tamura T, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Ishii K, Hotta K, Jinnai T, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Morikami Y, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators and K-TAVI registry investigators. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation vs. surgical aortic valve replacement for severe aortic stenosis in real-world clinical practice. Circ J 2020;84:806-814.
  217. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen P, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Validation of simplified PESI score for identification of low-risk patients with pulmonary embolism: From the COMMAND VTE Registry. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care 2020;9:262-270.
  218. Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Morimoto T, Taniguchi T, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Miyake M, Izumi C, MitsuokaH, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Nagao K, Murakami T, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Ishii K, Hotta K, Jinnai T, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. A risk prediction model in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis: CURRENT-AS risk score. Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes 2020;6:166-174.
  219. Jara-Palomares L, Jimenez D, Bikdeli B, Muriel A, Rali P, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kimura T, Le Mao R, Riera-Mestre A, Maestre A, Moustafa F, Monreal M. Derivation and validation of a clinical prediction rule for thrombolysis-associated major bleeding in patients with acute pulmonary embolism: The BACS score. Eur Respir J 2020;56:2002336.
  220. Takeji Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Ehara N, Nakagawa Y, Kato T, Tazaki J, Kato E, Yaku H, Yoshikawa Y, Tada T, Hanyu M, Kadota K, Komiya T, Ando K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Diabetes mellitus and long-term risk for heart failure after coronary revascularization. Circ J 2020;84:471-478.
  221. Soejima H, Ogawa H, Morimoto T, Okada S, Matsumoto C, Nakayama M, Masuda I, Jinnouchi H, Waki M, Saito Y; JPAD Trial Investigators. Proteinuria is independently associated with the incidence of primary cardiovascular events in diabetic patients. J Cardiol 2020;75:387-393.
  222. Yamamoto T, Mizobata Y, Kawazoe Y, Miyamoto K, Ohta Y, Morimoto T, Yamamura H. Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes for sepsis-associated delirium in patients with mechanical ventilation: A sub-analysis of a multicenter randomized controlled trial. J Crit Care 2020;56:140-144.
  223. Suga M, Kawakami D, Ueta H, Shimozono T, Ito J, Seo R, Nakamori Y, Korenaga A, Morimoto T, Mima H. Longer term hemodialysis-dependent chronic renal failure increases the risk of post-cardiac surgery vasoplegic syndrome. J Anesth 2020;34:243-249.
  224. Fujita T, Takeda T, Tsujino Y, Yamaji M, Sakaguchi T, Maeda K, Mabuchi H, Murakami T, Morimoto T, Kimura T. Effect of glycemic control during follow-up on late target lesion revascularization after implantation of new-generation drug-eluting stents in patients with diabetes -A single-center observational study. Circ Rep 2020;2:479-489.
  225. Uchida K, Yoshimura S, Sakai N, Yamagami H, *Morimoto T; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Sex differences in management and outcomes of acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion. Stroke 2019;50:1915-1918.
  226. *Morimoto T, Sakuma I, Sakuma M, Tokushige A, Natsuaki M, Asahi T, Shimabukuro M, Nomiyama T, Arasaki O, Node K, Ueda S. Randomized evaluation of anagliptin vs sitagliptin on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in diabetes (REASON) trial: A 52-week, open-label, randomized clinical trial. Sci Rep 2019;9:8537.
  227. Chihara A, Tanaka A, Morimoto T, Sakuma M, Shimabukuro M, Nomiyama T, Arasaki O, Ueda S, Node K. Differences in lipid metabolism between anagliptin and sitagliptin in patients with type 2 diabetes on statin therapy: A secondary analysis of the REASON trial. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2019;18:158.
  228. Kakita H, Yoshimura S, Uchida K, Sakai N, Yamagami H, Morimoto T; RESCUE-Japan registry 2 investigators. Impact of endovascular therapy in patients with large ischemic core: Subanalysis of recovery by endovascular salvage for cerebral ultra-acute embolism Japan registry 2. Stroke 2019;50:901-908.
  229. Miura M, Yoshimura S, Sakai N, Yamagami H, Uchida K, Nagao Y, Morimoto T. Endovascular therapy for middle cerebral artery M2 segment occlusion: Subanalyses of RESCUE-Japan Registry 2. J Neurointerv Surg 2019;11:964-969.
  230. Watanabe H, Domei T, Morimoto T, Natsuaki M, Shiomi H, Toyota T, Ohya M, Suwa S, Takagi K, Nanasato M, Hata Y, Yagi M, Suematsu N, Yokomatsu T, Takamisawa I, Doi M, Noda T, Okayama H, Seino Y, Tada T, Sakamoto H, Hibi K, Abe M, Kawai K, Nakao K, Ando K, Tanabe K, Ikari Y, Hanaoka KI, Morino Y, Kozuma K, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 investigators. Effect of 1-month dual antiplatelet therapy followed by clopidogrel vs 12-month dual antiplatelet therapy on cardiovascular and bleeding events in patients receiving PCI: The STOPDAPT-2 randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2019;321:2414-2427.
  231. Watanabe H, Domei T, Morimoto T, Natsuaki M, Shiomi H, Toyota T, Ohya M, Suwa S, Takagi K, Nanasato M, Hata Y, Yagi M, Suematsu N, Yokomatsu T, Takamisawa I, Doi M, Noda T, Okayama H, Seino Y, Tada T, Sakamoto H, Hibi K, Abe M, Kawai K, Nakao K, Ando K, Tanabe K, Ikari Y, Hanaoka KI, Morino Y, Kozuma K, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; STOPDAPT-2 investigators. Very short dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients with high bleeding risk: Insight from the STOPDAPT-2 trial. Circulation 2019;140:1957-1959.
  232. Matsumura-Nakano Y, Shizuta S, Komasa A, Morimoto T, Masuda H, Shiomi H, Goto K, Nakai K, Ogawa H, Kobori A, Kono Y, Kaitani K, Suwa S, Aoyama T, Takahashi M, Sasaki Y, Onishi Y, Mano T, Matsuda M, Motooka M, Tomita H, Inoko M, Wakeyama T, Hagiwara N, Tanabe K, Akao M, Miyauchi K, Yajima J, Hanaoka K, Morino Y, Kenji Ando K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Nakao K, Kozuma K, Kadota K, Kimura K, Kawai K, Ueno T, Okumura K, Kimura T; OAC-ALONE investigators. Open-label randomized trial comparing oral anticoagulation with and without single antiplatelet therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and stable coronary artery disease beyond 1 year after coronary stent implantation. Circulation 2019;139:604-616.
  233. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Watanabe H, Nakagawa Y, Furukawa Y, Kadota K, Akasaka T, Hanaoka KI, Kozuma K, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Muramatsu T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2, RESET and NEXT trial investigators. Ischemic and bleeding risk after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with prior ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. J Am Heart Assoc 2019;8:e013356.
  234. Nagao K, Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Inada T, Hayashi F, Nakagawa Y, Furukawa Y, Kadota K, Akasaka T, Natsuaki M, Kozuma K, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Shiomi H, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2, RESET and NEXT trial investigators. Prognostic impact of baseline hemoglobin levels on long-term thrombotic and bleeding events after percutaneous coronary interventions. J Am Heart Assoc 2019;8:e013703.
  235. Toyota T, Morimoto T, Yamashita Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Nakagawa Y, Saito N, Shizuta S, Ono K, Kimura T. More- versus less-intensive lipid-lowering therapy. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2019;12:e005460.
  236. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Yamaji K, Watanabe H, Shizuta S, Kato T, Ando K, Nakagawa Y, Furukawa Y, Tada T, Nagao K, Kadota K, Toyofuku M, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry/cohort-2 investigators. Application of the academic research consortium high bleeding risk criteria in an all-comers registry of percutaneous coronary intervention. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2019;12:e008307.
  237. Yaku H, Kato T, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Toyofuku M, Seko Y, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Association of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist use with all-cause mortality and hospital readmission in older adults with acute decompensated heart failure. JAMA Netw Open 2019;2:e195892.
  238. Shiomi H, Kozuma K, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Akasaka T, Abe M, Takeji Y, Suwa S, Ito Y, Kobayashi M, Dai K, Nakao K, Tarutani Y, Taniguchi R, Nishikawa H, Yamamoto Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Kawai K, Hibi K, Kimura T; RESET Investigators. 7-year outcomes of a randomized trial comparing the first-generation sirolimus-eluting stent versus the new-generation everolimus-eluting stent: The RESET trial. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2019;12:637-647.
  239. Takeji Y, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Saito N, Ando K, Shirai S, Sakaguchi G, Arai Y, Fuku Y, Kawase Y, Komiya T, Ehara N, Kitai T, Koyama T, Watanabe S, Watanabe H, Shiomi H, Minamino-Muta E, Matsuda S, Yaku H, Yoshikawa Y, Yamazaki K, Kawatou M, Sakamoto K, Tamura T, Miyake M, Sakaguchi H, Murata K, Nakai M, Kanamori N, Izumi C, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Inada T, Nagao K, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Tamura T, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Ishii K, Hotta K, Jinnai T, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Morikami Y, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators and K-TAVI registry investigators. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation versus conservative management for severe aortic stenosis in real clinical practice. PLoS One 2019;14:e0222979.
  240. Fujimoto D, Yomota M, Sekine A, Morita M, Morimoto T, Hosomi Y, Ogura T, Tomioka H, Tomii K. Nivolumab for advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients with mild idiopathic interstitial pneumonia: A multicenter, open-label single-arm phase II trial. Lung Cancer 2019;134:274-278.
  241. Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Morimoto T, Taniguchi T, Izumi C, Nakatsuma K, Inoko M, Shirai S, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Miyake M, MitsuokaH, Hirano Y, Sasa T, Nagao K, Inada T, Nishikawa R, Takeuchi Y, Matsuda S, Yamane K, Su K, Komasa A, Ishii K, Kato Y, Takabayashi K, Watanabe S, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Decline in left ventricular ejection fraction during follow-up in patients with severe aortic stenosis. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2019;12:2499-2511.
  242. Nakatsuma K, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Inada T, Nagao K, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. B-type natriuretic peptide in patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis. Heart 2019;105:384-390.
  243. Kanamori N, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Watanabe H, Shiomi H, Ando K, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Nagao K, Inada T, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, KatoT, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Aoyama T, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Prognostic impact of aortic valve area in conservatively managed patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis with preserved ejection fraction. J Am Heart Assoc 2019;8:e010198.
  244. Fujimoto D, Yoshioka H, Kataoka Y, Morimoto T, Hata T, Kim YH, Tomii K, Ishida T, Hirabayashi M, Hara S, Ishitoko M, Fukuda Y, Hwang MH, Sakai N, Fukui M, Nakaji H, Morita M, Mio T, Yasuda T, Sugita T, Hirai T. Pseudoprogression in previously treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer who received nivolumab monotherapy. J Thorac Oncol 2019;14:468-474.
  245. Matsumura-Nakano Y, Kawaji T, Shiomi H, Kawai-Miyake K, Kataoka M, Koizumi K, Matsuda A, Kitano K, Yoshida M, Watanabe H, Tazaki J, Kato T, Saito N, Shizuta S, Ono K, Togashi K, Morimoto T, Kimura T. Optimal cutoff value of fractional flow reserve derived from coronary computed tomography angiography for predicting hemodynamically significant coronary artery disease. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2019;12:e00895.
  246. Matsukawa H, Kiura Y, Sakai N, Yamagami H, Uchida K, Morimoto T, Kageyama H, Yoshimura S; RESCUE-Japan Registry 2 investigators. Effect of endovascular therapy on subsequent decompressive hemicraniectomy in cardioembolic ischemic stroke with proximal intracranial occlusion in the anterior circulation: Sub-analysis of the RESCUE-Japan registry 2. Cerebrovasc Dis 2019;48:9-16.
  247. Todo K, Sakai N, Imamura H, Yamagami H, Adachi H, Kono T, Kobayashi J, Yamamoto S, Morimoto T, Tani S, Kawamoto M, Sakaguchi M, Ueno Y, Kunieda T, Narumi O, Sakai C, Ishii A, Hoshi T, Koyanagi M, Mineharu Y, Ishikawa T, Kuramoto Y, Sato S, Ohara N, Arimura K, Nakamura H, Nishida T, Gon Y, Fujinaka T, Yoshiya K, Kishima H, Mochizuki H, Kohara N; KCGH-CSC Registry Investigators. Successful reperfusion with endovascular therapy has beneficial effects on long-term outcome beyond 90 days. Cerebrovasc Dis 2019;47:127-134.
  248. Matsumura-Nakano Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Yamaji K, Shizuta S, Sakata R Hanyu M, Shimamoto M, Nishiwaki N, Komiya T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Surgical ineligibility and long-term outcomes in patients with severe coronary artery disease. Circ J 2019;83:2061-2069.
  249. Kogo M, Otsuka K, Morimoto T, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Tomii K. Pulmonary artery enlargement predicts poor outcome during acute exacerbations of fibrotic interstitial lung disease. Respirology 2019;24:777-782.
  250. Yamashita Y, Yoshikawa Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. The association of recurrence and bleeding events with mortality after venous thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Int J Cardiol 2019;292:198-204.
  251. Yamashita Y, Murata K, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Nishimoto Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Nawada R, Onodera T, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Clinical outcomes of patients with pulmonary embolism versus deep vein thrombosis: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Thromb Res 2019;184:50-57.
  252. Ishii M, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Ogawa H, Masunaga N, Abe M, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Nagao K, Inada T, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Akao M, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Reasons for choosing conservative management in symptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis - Observations from the CURRENT AS registry. Circ J 2019;83:1944-1953.
  253. Nagao K, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Inada T, Murakami T, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Anemia in patients with severe aortic stenosis. Sci Rep 2019;9:1924.
  254. Kim K, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Kitai T, Yamane T, Ehara N, Kinoshita M, Kaji S, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Furukawa Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Risk factors for major bleeding during prolonged anticoagulation therapy in patients with venous thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. Thromb Haemost 2019;119:1498-1507.
  255. Yoshikawa Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Sex differences in clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with venous thromboembolism- From the COMMAND VTE registry. Circ J 2019;83:1581-1589.
  256. Sakamoto J, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Nishimoto Y, Sasa T, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Tamura T, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Cancer-associated venous thromboembolism in the real world- From the COMMAND VTE registry. Circ J 2019;83:2271-2281.
  257. Nishimoto Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Saga S, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Sato Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of venous thromboembolisms according to an out-of-hospital vs. in-hospital onset- From the COMMAND VTE registry. Circ J 2019;83:1377-1384.
  258. Nishimoto Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Saga S, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Sato Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activator in patients with acute pulmonary embolisms in the real world: From the COMMAND VTE registry. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2019;48:587-595.
  259. Su K, Kato T, Toyofuku M, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Ozasa N, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Motohashi Y, Watanabe H, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Jinnai T, Kawato M, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Tamura T, Kimura T; KCHF registry investigators. Association of previous hospitalization for heart failure with increased mortality in patients hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure. Circ Rep 2019;1:517-524.
  260. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Influence of baseline anemia on long-term clinical outcomes in patients with venous thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE registry. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2019;47:444-453.
  261. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Nishimoto Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Deep vein thrombosis in upper extremities: Clinical characteristics, management strategies and long-term outcomes from the COMMAND VTE registry. Thromb Res 2019;177:1-9.
  262. Ohira J, Yoshimura H, Morimoto T, Ariyoshi K, Kohara N. Factors associated with the duration of the postictal state after a generalized convulsion. Seizure 2019;65:101-105.
  263. Fuku Y, Kadota K, Toyofuku M, Morimoto T, Ohya M, Higami H, Yamaji K, Muranishi H, Yamaji Y, Nishida K, Furukawa D, Tada T, Ko E, Ando K, Sakamoto H, Tamura T, Kawai K, Kimura T; AOI LMCA stenting registry investigators. Long-term outcomes of drug-eluting stent implantation after rotational atherectomy for left main coronary artery bifurcation lesions. Am J Cardiol 2019;123:1796-1805.
  264. Abe M, Morimoto T, Morino Y, Tanaka H, Akao M, Hayashi Y, Muramatsu T, Ochiai M, Noguchi Y, Kato K, Shibata Y, Hiasa Y, Doi O, Yamashita T, Hinohara T, Kadota K, Kimura T; J-CTO registry investigators. Association between J-CTO score and long-term target lesion revascularization rate after successful chronic total coronary occlusion angioplasty (from the J-CTO Registry). Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2019;93:1025-1032.
  265. Kawachi H, Fujimoto D, Morimoto T, Hosoya K, Sato Y, Kogo M, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Tachikawa R, Tomii K. Early depth of tumor shrinkage and treatment outcomes in non-small cell lung cancer treated using nivolumab. Invest New Drugs 2019;37:1257-1265.
  266. Fujita T, Takeda T, Hano Y, Takashima N, Yamaji M, Sakaguchi T, Maeda K, Mabuchi H, Murakami T, Morimoto T, Kimura T. Post-intervention minimal stent area as a predictor of target lesion revascularization after everolimus-eluting stent implantation for in-stent restenosis: A single-center observational study. Coron Artery Dis 2019;30:432-439.
  267. Watari J, Mitani S, Ito C, Tozawa K, Tomita T, Oshima T, Fukui H, Kadowaki S, Natsume S, Senda Y, Tajika M, Hara K, Yatabe Y, Shimizu Y, Muro K, Morimoto T, Hirota S, Das KM, Miwa H. Molecular alterations and PD-L1 expression in non-ampullary duodenal adenocarcinoma: Associations among clinicopathological, immunophenotypic and molecular features. Sci Rep 2019;9:10526.
  268. Morimoto H, Kanastu-Shinohara M, Ogonuki N, Kamimura S, Ogura A, Yabe-Nishimura C, Mori Y, Morimoto T, Watanabe S, Otsu K, Yamamoto T, Shinohara T. ROS amplification drives mouse spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal. Life Sci Alliance 2019;2:e201300374.
  269. Ito J, Nagata K, Morimoto T, Kogo M, Fujimoto D, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Tomii K. Respiratory management of acute exacerbation of interstitial pneumonia using high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy: A single center cohort study. J Thorac Dis 2019;11:103-112.
  270. Kogo M, Nagata K, Morimoto T, Ito J, Fujimoto D, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Tomii. Altered consciousness, non-invasive ventilation, and hypoxemic respiratory failure: The trident question unresolved-Reply. Intern Med 2019;58:1109-1192.
  271. Hashimoto M, Takeuchi J, Takuwa T, Kuroda A, Nakamura A, Nakamichi T, Matsumoto S, Kondo N, Nakano T, Morimoto T, Hasegawa S. Pleural thickness after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a prognostic factor in malignant pleural mesothelioma. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2019;157:404-413.
  272. Amano M, Izumi C, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Miyake M, Nishimura S, Kitai T, Kato T, Kadota K, Ando K, Furukawa Y, Inada T, Inoko M, Ishii K, Sakaguchi G, Yamazaki F, Koyama T, Komiya T, Yamanaka K, Nishiwaki N, Kanemitsu N, Saga T, Ogawa T, Nakayama S, Tsuneyoshi H, Iwakura A, Shiraga K, Hanyu M, Ohno N, Fukumoto A, Yamada T, Nishizawa J, Esaki J, Minatoya K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Impact of concomitant tricuspid regurgitation on long-term outcomes in severe aortic stenosis. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2019;20:353-360.
  273. Nishimoto Y, Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Saga S, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Sato Y, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Risk factors for post-thrombotic syndrome in patients with deep vein thrombosis: From the COMMAND VTE Registry. Heart Vessels 2019;34:669-677.
  274. Soejima H, Ogawa H, Morimoto T, Okada S, Sakuma M, Nakayama M, Masuda I, Doi N, Uemura S, Jinnouchi H, Sugiyama S, Waki M, Saito Y; JPAD Trial Investigators. One quarter of total myocardial infarctions are silent manifestation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Cardiol 2019;73:33-37.
  275. Nishida K, Toyofuku M, Morimoto T, Ohya M, Fuku Y, Higami H, Yamaji K, Muranishi H, Yamaji Y, Furukawa D, Tada T, Ko E, Kadota K, Ando K, Sakamoto H, Tamura T, Kawai K, Kimura T; AOI LMCA stenting registry investigators. Prognostic impact of final kissing balloon technique after crossover stenting for the left main coronary artery: From the AOI-LMCA registry. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2019;34:197-206.
  276. Rothwell PM, Cook NR, Gaziano JM, Price JF, Belch JFF, Roncaglioni MC, Morimoto T, Mehta Z. Effects of aspirin on risks of vascular events and cancer according to bodyweight and dose: Analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials. Lancet 2018;392:387-399.
  277. Uchida K, Yoshimura S, Hiyama N, Oki Y, Matsumoto T, Tokuda R, Yamaura I, Saito S, Takeuchi M, Shigeta K, Araki H, *Morimoto T. Clinical prediction rules to classify types of stroke at prehospital stage. Stroke 2018;49:1820-1827.
  278. Yoshimura S, Sakai N, Uchida K, Yamagami H, Ezura M, Okada Y, Kitagawa K, Kimura K, Sasaki M, Tanahashi N, Toyoda K, Furui E, Matsumaru Y, Minematsu K, *Morimoto T. Endovascular therapy in ischemic stroke with acute large vessel occlusion: Recovery by endovascular salvage for cerebral ultra-acute embolism Japan registry 2. J Am Heart Assoc 2018;7:e008796.
  279. Okada S, Morimoto T, Ogawa H, Sakuma M, Matsumoto C, Soejima H, Nakayama M, Doi N, Jinnouchi H, Waki M, Masuda I, Saito Y; JPAD trial investigators. Effect of aspirin on cancer chemoprevention in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes: 10-year observational follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care 2018;41:1757-1764.
  280. Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Natsuaki M, Kawai K, Kozuma K, Igarashi K, Kadota K, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Hibi K, Akasaka T, Abe M, Suwa S, Muramatsu T, Kobayashi M, Dai K, Nakao K, Tarutani Y, Fujii K, Kimura T; RESET and NEXT Investigators. Impact of angiographic residual stenosis on clinical outcomes after new-generation drug-eluting stents implantation: Insights from a pooled analysis of the RESET and NEXT trials. J Am Heart Assoc 2018;7:e008718.
  281. Nakamura T, *Morimoto T, Katsube K, Yamamori Y, Mashino J, Kikuchi K. Clinical characteristics of pyogenic spondylitis and psoas abscess at a tertiary care hospital: A retrospective cohort study. J Orthop Surg Res 2018;13:302.
  282. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Yamaji K, Watanabe H, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Nakagawa Y, Furukawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Akasaka T, Hanaoka KI, Kozuma K, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Muramatsu T, Kimura T; CREDO‐Kyoto PCI/CABG registry Cohort 2, RESET, and NEXT trial investigators. Prediction of thrombotic and bleeding events after percutaneous coronary intervention: CREDO-Kyoto thrombotic and bleeding risk scores. J Am Heart Assoc 2018;7:e008708.
  283. Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Kato T, Ishii K, Nagao K, Nakagawa Y, Toyofuku M, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Sudden death in patients with severe aortic stenosis: Observations from the CURRENT AS registry. J Am Heart Assoc 2018;7:e008397.
  284. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Toyota T, Shiomi H, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T. Asian patients versus non-Asian patients in the efficacy and safety of direct oral anticoagulants relative to vitamin K antagonist for venous thromboembolism: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Thromb Res 2018;166:37-42.
  285. Fujimoto D, Sato Y, Morimoto T, Uehara K, Ito M, Otsuka K, Nagata K, Sakanoue I, Hamakawa H, Nakagawa A, Takahashi Y, Imai Y, Tomii K. Programmed cell death ligand 1 expression in non-small-cell lung cancer patients with interstitial lung disease: A matched case-control study. Clin Lung Cancer 2018;19:e667-e673.
  286. Kawachi H, Fujimoto D, Morimoto T, Ito M, Teraoka S, Sato Y, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Tomii K. Clinical characteristics and prognosis of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who are ineligible for clinical trials. Clin Lung Cancer 2018;19:e721-e734.
  287. Kanamori N, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Nagao K, Inada T, Mabuchi H, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Aoyama T, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Asymptomatic versus symptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis. Sci Rep 2018;8:10080.
  288. Hashimoto T, Kanematsu A, Nojima M, Nagasawa S, Fukui K, Aihara K, Kokura K, Hanasaki T, Ueda Y, Takiuchi H, Togo Y, Kondoh N, Doi Y, Nakanishi Y, Higuchi Y, Kawaguchi R, Morimoto T, Yamamoto S. Retrospective analysis of clinical efficacy of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone antagonist as compared to agonists with combined anti-androgen blockade (CAB) in advanced prostate cancer. Clinics Oncol 2018;3:1474.
  289. Yoshimura J, Yamakawa K, Kinoshita T, Ohta Y, Morimoto T. GRam stain-guided Antibiotics ChoicE for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (GRACE-VAP) trial: Rationale and study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2018;19:614.
  290. Nishida K, Nakatsuma K, Shiomi H, Natsuaki M, Kawai K, Morimoto T, Kozuma K, Igarashi K, Kadota K, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Hibi, K Akasaka T, Abe M, Suwa S, Muramatsu T, Kobayashi M, Dai K, Nakao K, Uematsu M, Tarutani Y, Fujii K, Kimura T; RESET and NEXT Investigators. Second­generation vs. first-generation drug-eluting stents in patients with calcified coronary lesions -Pooled analysis from the RESET and NEXT trials. Circ J 2018;82:376-387.
  291. Kawazoe Y, Sato T, Miyagawa N, Yokokawa Y, Kushimoto S, Miyamoto K, Ohta Y, Morimoto T, Yamamura H. Mortality effects of prolonged hemoperfusion therapy using a polymyxin B-immobilized fiber column for patients with septic shock: A sub-analysis of the DESIRE trial. Blood Purif. 2018;46:309-314.
  292. Natsuaki M, Kozuma K, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Muramatsu T, Nakagawa Y, Akasaka T, Hanaoka KI, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Nishikawa H, Kimura T. Five-year outcome of a randomised trial comparing second-generation drug-eluting stents using either biodegradable polymer or durable polymer: The NOBORI biolimus-eluting versus XIENCE/PROMUS everolimus-eluting stent trial (NEXT). EuroIntervention 2018;14:815-818.
  293. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Oi M, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Toyofuku M, Izumi T, Tada T, Chen PM, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Mabuchi H, Takabayashi K, Watanabe H, Shiomi H, Kato T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T; COMMAND VTE registry investigators. Influence of baseline platelet count on outcomes in patients with venous thromboembolism (from the COMMAND VTE registry). Am J Cardiol 2018;122:2131-2141.
  294. Yaku H, Ozasa N, Morimoto T, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto E, Yoshikawa Y, Kitai T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Su K, Kawato M, Sasaki K, Toyofuku M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Kato T, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Demographics, management, and in-hospital outcome of hospitalized acute heart failure syndrome patients in contemporary real clinical practice in Japan -Observations from the prospective, multicenter Kyoto congestive heart failure (KCHF) registry. Circ J 2018;82:2811-2819.
  295. Matsumura-Nakano Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Shizuta S, Yamaji K, Watanabe H, Yoshikawa Y, Taniguchi T, Kawaji T, Natsuaki M, Akasaka T, Hanaoka K, Kadota K, Kozuma K, Tanabe K, Nakagawa Y, Muramatsu T, Morino Y, Ando K, Kimura T. Sex differences in long-term clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing coronary stent implantation. Circ J 2018;82:1754-1762.
  296. Miyake M, Izumi C, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Amano M, Nishimura S, Kitai T, Kato T, Kadota K, Ando K, Furukawa Y, Inada T, Inoko M, Ishii K, Sakaguchi G, Yamazaki F, Koyama T, Komiya T, Yamanaka K, Nishiwaki N, Kanemitsu N, Saga T, Ogawa T, Nakayama S, Tsuneyoshi H, Iwakura A, Shiraga K, Hanyu M, Ohno N, Fukumoto A, Yamada T, Nishizawa J, Esaki J, Minatoya K, Nakagawa Y, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Early surgery vs. surgery after watchful waiting for asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis. Circ J 2018;82:2663-2671.
  297. Higami H, Toyofuku M, Morimoto T, Ohya M, Fuku Y, Yamaji K, Muranishi H, Yamaji Y, Nishida K, Furukawa D, Tada T, Ko E, Ando K, Sakamoto H, Tamura T, Kawai K, Kadota K, Kimura T; AOI LMCA stenting registry investigators. Acute coronary syndrome with unprotected left main coronary artery culprit: An observation from the AOI-LMCA registry. Circ J 2018;83:198-208.
  298. Noguchi M, Ako J, Morimoto T, Homma Y, Shiga T, Obunai K, Watanabe H. Modifiable factors associated with prolonged door to balloon time in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Heart Vessels 2018;33:1139-1148.
  299. Nakai K, Watari J, Tozawa K, Tamura A, Hara K, Yamasaki T, Kondo T, Kono T, Tomita T, Ohda Y, Oshima T, Fukui H, Sakurai J, Kim Y, Hayakawa Y, Fujisawa T, Morimoto T, Miwa H. Sex differences in associations among metabolic syndrome, obesity, related biomarkers, and colorectal adenomatous polyp risk in a Japanese population. J Clin Biochem Nutr 2018;63:154-163.
  300. Ito J, Nagata K, Sato S, Shiraki A, Nishimura N, Izumi S, Tachikawa R, Morimoto T, Tomii K. The clinical practice of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in adults: A Japanese cross-sectional multicenter survey. Respir Investig 2018;56:249-257.
  301. Nakatsuma K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Watanabe H, Nakagawa Y, Furukawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Ono K, Shizuta S, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Influence of a history of cancer on long-term cardiovascular outcomes after coronary stent implantation (an observation from coronary revascularization demonstrating outcome study-Kyoto registry cohort-2). Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes 2018;4:200-207.
  302. Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Morimoto T, Taniguchi T, Nakatsuma K, Kimura Y, Inoko M, Shirai S, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Miyake M, Izumi C, Mitsuoka H, Hirano Y, Sasa T, Nagao K, Inada T, Nishikawa R, Takeuchi Y, Yamagami S, Yamane K, Su K, Komasa A, Ishii K, Yamashita Y, Kato Y, Takabayashi K, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Malignant disease as a comorbidity in patients with severe aortic stenosis: Clinical presentation, outcomes, and management. Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes. 2018;4:180-188.
  303. Kawaji T, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Mizoguchi T, Abe M, Takahashi M, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI investigators. Long-term clinical outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock due to acute pump failure. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care 2018;7:743-754.
  304. Fujimoto D, Yoshioka H, Kataoka Y, Morimoto T, Kim YH, Tomii K, Ishida T, Hirabayashi M, Hara S, Ishitoko M, Fukuda Y, Hwang MH, Sakai N, Fukui M, Nakaji H, Morita M, Mio T, Yasuda T, Sugita T, Hirai T. Efficacy and safety of nivolumab in previously treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer: A multicenter retrospective cohort study. Lung Cancer 2018;119:14-20.
  305. Watanabe H, Ozasa N, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Bingyuan B, Suwa S, Nakagawa Y, Izumi C, Kadota K, Ikeguchi S, Hibi K, Furukawa Y, Kaji S, Suzuki T, Akao M, Inada T, Hayashi Y, Nanasato M, Okutsu M, Kametani R, Sone T, Sugimura Y, Kawai K, Abe M, Kaneko H, Nakamura S, Kimura T; CAPITAL-RCT investigators. Long-term use of carvedilol in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. PLoS One 2018;13:e0199347.
  306. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Shiomi H, Toyota T, Watanabe H, Ono K, Shizuta S, Tamura T, Inoko M, Inada T, Shirotani M, Matsuda M, Aoyama T, Onodera T, Suwa S, Takeda T, Inoue K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Short versus prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy duration after bare-metal stent implantation: 2-month landmark analysis from the CREDO-Kyoto registry cohort-2. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2018;33:23-34.
  307. Yoshimura S, Uchida K, *Morimoto T. Response by Yoshimura et al to letter regarding article, "Randomized controlled trial of early versus delayed statin therapy in patients with acute ischemic stroke: ASSORT trial (administration of statin on acute ischemic stroke patient)". Stroke 2018;49:e132.
  308. Ito S, Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Shizuta S, Ono K, Yamaji K, Soga Y, Hyodo M, Shirai S, Ando K, Horiuchi H, Kimura T. Impact of baseline thrombocytopenia on bleeding and mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol 2018;121:1304-1314.
  309. Yamamura H, Kawazoe Y, Miyamoto K, Yamamoto T, Ohta Y, Morimoto T. Effect of norepinephrine dosage on mortality in patients with septic shock. J Intensive Care 2018;6:12.
  310. Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kadota K, Izumi C, Nakatsuma K, Sasa T, Watanabe H, Kuwabara Y, Makiyama T, Ono K, Shizuta S, Kato T, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Prognostic impact of left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with severe aortic stenosis. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2018;11:145-157.
  311. Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Watanabe H, Natsuaki M, Kondo H, Tamura T, Nakagawa Y, Morimoto T, Kimura T. Validating utility of dual antiplatelet therapy score in a large pooled cohort from 3 Japanese percutaneous coronary intervention studies. Circulation 2018;137:551-562.
  312. Toyota T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Yamaji K, Ando K, Ono K, Shizuta S, Saito N, Kato T, Kaji S, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Horie M, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Single-session versus staged procedures for elective multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention. Heart 2018;104:936-944.
  313. Kogo M, Nagata K, Morimoto T, Ito J, Fujimoto D, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Tomii. What is the impact of mildly altered consciousness on acute hypoxemic respiratory failure with non-invasive ventilation? Intern Med 2018;57:1689-1695.
  314. Fujimoto D, Sato Y, Uehara K, Ishida K, Fukuoka J, Morimoto T, Kawachi H, Mori R, Ito M, Teraoka S, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Imai Y, Tomii K. Predictive performance of four programmed cell death ligand 1 assay systems on nivolumab response in previously treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2018;13:377-386.
  315. Yamashita Y, Morimoto T, Amano H, Takase T, Hiramori S, Kim K, Konishi T, Akao M, Kobayashi Y, Inoue T, Oi M, Izumi T, Takahashi K, Tada T, Chen P, Murata K, Tsuyuki Y, Sakai H, Saga S, Sasa T, Sakamoto J, Yamada C, Kinoshita M, Togi K, Ikeda T, Ishii K, Kaneda K, Mabuchi H, Otani H, Takabayashi K, Takahashi M, Shiomi H, Makiyama T, Ono K, Kimura T. Anticoagulation therapy for venous thromboembolism in the real world -From the COMMAND VTE registry. Circ J 2018;82:1262-1270.
  316. Nagao K, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Inada T, Murakami T, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS Registry Investigators. Acute heart failure in patients with severe aortic stenosis -Insights from the CURRENT AS registry. Circ J 2018;82:874-885.
  317. Ueda S, Shimabukuro M, Arasaki O, Node K, Nomiyama T, Morimoto T. Effect of anagliptin and sitagliptin on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in type 2 diabetic patients with dyslipidemia and cardiovascular risk: Rationale and study design of the REASON trial. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2018;32:73-80.
  318. Ohya M, Morimoto T, Kubo S, Habara S, Kuwayama A, Miura K, Shimada T, Amano H, Otsuru S, Tada T, Tanaka H, Fuku Y, Goto T, Kadota K. Two-year outcomes and predictors of target lesion revascularization for non-left main coronary bifurcation lesions following two-stent strategy with 2nd-generation drug-eluting stents. Circ J 2018;82:798-806.
  319. Yabushita T, Satake H, Maruoka H, Morita M, Katoh D, Shimomura Y, Yoshioka S, Morimoto T, Ishikawa T. Expression of multiple leukemic stem cell markers is associated with poor prognosis in de novo acute myeloid leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma 2018;59:2144-2151.
  320. Miyamoto K, Nakashima T, Shima N, Kato S, Ueda K, Kawazoe Y, Ohta Y, Morimoto T, Yamamura H; DESIRE trial investigators. Effect of dexmedetomidine on lactate clearance in patients with septic shock: A subanalysis of a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Shock 2018;50:162-166.
  321. Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Yoshikawa Y, Kato T, Saito N, Shizuta S, Ono K, Yamaji K, Ando K, Kaji S, Furukawa Y, Akao M, Ishikawa T, Tamura T, Yamamoto Y, Muramatsu T, Suwa S, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Takatsu Y, Nishikawa H, Hiasa Y, Hayashi Y, Miyazaki S, Kimura T. Mortality impact of post-discharge myocardial infarction size after percutaneous coronary intervention: A patient-level pooled analysis from the 4 large-scale Japanese studies. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2018;34:47-58.
  322. Higami H, Toyofuku M, Morimoto T, Ohya M, Fuku Y, Yamaji K, Muranishi H, Yamaji Y, Nishida K, Furukawa D, Tada T, Ko E, Ando K, Sakamoto H, Tamura T, Kawai K, Kadota K, Kimura T; AOI LMCA stenting registry investigators. Impact of previous drug-eluting stent restenosis in non-left main coronary artery lesions on long-term outcomes after left main coronary artery stenting: An observation from the AOI-LMCA registry. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2018;33:350-359.
  323. Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Kawaji T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI investigators. Chronic total occlusion in non-infarct-related artery is associated with increased short-and long-term mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock (from the CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry). Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2018;92:455-463.
  324. Watari J, Kobayashi M, Nakai K, Ito C, Tamura A, Ogawa T, Yamasaki T, Okugawa T, Kondo T, Kono T, Tozawa K, Tomita T, Oshima T, Fukui H, Morimoto T, Miwa H. Objective image analysis of non-magnifying image-enhanced endoscopy for diagnosis of small depressed early gastric cancers. Endosc Int Open 2018;6:E1445-E1453. 
  325. Yamamura H, Kawazoe Y, Morimoto T. Dexmedetomidine in patients with sepsis requiring mechanical ventilation. JAMA 2017;318:480.
  326. Yoshimura S, Uchida K, Daimon T, Takashima R, Kimura K, *Morimoto T; ASSORT Trial Investigator. Randomized controlled trial of early versus delayed statin therapy in patients with acute ischemic stroke: ASSORT trial (administration of statin on acute ischemic stroke patient). Stroke 2017;48:3057-3063.
  327. Kawazoe Y, Miyamoto K, Morimoto T, Yamamoto T, Fuke A, Hashimoto A, Koami H, Beppu S, Katayama Y, Itoh M, Ohta Y, Yamamura H; Dexmedetomidine for Sepsis in Intensive Care Unit Randomized Evaluation (DESIRE) trial investigators. Effect of dexmedetomidine on mortality and ventilator-free days in patients requiring mechanical ventilation with sepsis: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2017;317:1321-1328.
  328. Saito Y, Ogawa H, Morimoto T. Response by Saito et al to letter regarding article, "Low-dose aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: 10-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial". Circulation 2017;135:e1010-e1011.
  329. Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Morimoto T, Taniguchi T, Shiomi H, Nakatsuma K, Shirai S, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Miyake M, Izumi C, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Nagao K, Inada T, Murakami T, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Tada E, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Jinnai T, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Morikami Y, Saito N, Sakata R, Minatoya K, Kimura T. Causes of death in patients with severe aortic stenosis: An observational study. Sci Rep 2017;7:14723.
  330. Michigami Y, Watari J, Ito C, Hara K, Yamasaki T, Kondo T, Kono T, Tozawa K, Tomita T, Oshima T, Fukui H, Morimoto T, Das KM, Miwa H. Effects of long-term aspirin use on molecular alterations in precancerous gastric mucosa in patients with and without gastric cancer. Sci Rep 2017;7:13384.
  331. Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Inada T, Nagao K, Murakami T, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. High-versus low-gradient severe aortic stenosis: Demographics, clinical outcomes, and effects of the initial aortic valve replacement strategy on long-term prognosis. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2017;10:e004796.
  332. Nakatsuma K, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Inada T, Nagao K, Murakami T, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Prognostic impact of peak aortic jet velocity in conservatively managed patients with severe aortic stenosis: An observation from the CURRENT AS registry. J Am Heart Assoc 2017;6:e005524.
  333. Kawase Y, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Iwasaki K, Kuwayama A, Ohya M, Shimada T, Amano H, Maruo T, Fuku Y, Izumi C, Kitai T, Saito N, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inada T, Inoko M, Ishii K, Komiya T, Hanyu M, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Severe aortic stenosis in dialysis patients. J Am Heart Assoc 2017;6:e004961.
  334. Abe M, Morimoto T, Nakagawa Y, Furukawa Y, Ono K, Kato T, Kadota K, Ando K, Ishii M, Masunaga N, Akao M, Kimura T. Impact of transient or persistent contrast-induced nephropathy on long-term mortality after elective percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol 2017;120:2146-2153.
  335. Taniguchi T, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Watanabe H, Ono K, Shizuta S, Kato T, Saito N, Kaji S, Ando K, Kadota K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Horie M, Kimura T. Incidence and prognostic impact of heart failure hospitalization during follow-up after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 2017;119:1729-1739.
  336. Kawaji T, Shizuta S, Morimoto T, Aizawa T, Yamagami S, Yoshizawa T, Ota C, Onishi N, Sasaki Y, Yahata M, Nakai K, Hayano M, Nakao T, Hanazawa K, Goto K, Doi T, Ono K, Kimura T. Very long-term clinical outcomes after radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: A large single-center experience. Int J Cardiol 2017;249:204-213.
  337. Yamashita Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Kaji S, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Abe M, Akao M, Nagao K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry investigators. Transradial versus transfemoral approach in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction: Insight from the CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry. Heart Vessels 2017;32:1448-1457.
  338. Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Kimura T. Chronic total occlusion in a non-infarct-related artery is closely associated with increased five-year mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (From the CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry). EuroIntervention 2017;12:e1874-e1882.
  339. Yamamoto E, Kato T, Ozasa N, Yaku H, Inuzuka Y, Tamaki Y, Kitai T, Morimoto T, Taniguchi R, Iguchi M, Kato M, Takahashi M, Jinnai T, Ikeda T, Nagao K, Kawai T, Komasa A, Nishikawa R, Kawase Y, Morinaga T, Kawashima T, Motohashi Y, Kawato M, Toyofuku M, Sato Y, Kuwahara K, Shioi T, Kimura T; KCHF study investigators. Kyoto congestive heart failure (KCHF) study: Rationale and design. ESC Heart Fail 2017;4:216-223.
  340. Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Morimoto T, Taniguchi T, Inoko M, Haruna T, Izumi T, Miyamoto S, Nakane E, Sasaki K, Funasako M, Ueyama K, Shirai S, Kitai T, Izumi C, Nagao K, Inada T, Tada E, Komasa A, Ishii K, Saito N, Sakata R, Minatoya K, Kimura T. Impact of the left ventricular mass index on the outcomes of severe aortic stenosis. Heart 2017;103:1992-1999.
  341. Toyota T, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Natsuaki M, Kimura T. Short versus prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) duration after coronary stent implantation: A comparison between the DAPT study and 9 other trials evaluating DAPT duration. PLoS One 2017;12:e0174502.
  342. Fujimoto D, Morimoto T, Ito J, Sato Y, Ito M, Teraoka S, Otsuka K, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Tomii K. A pilot trial of nivolumab treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients with mild idiopathic interstitial pneumonia. Lung Cancer 2017;111:1-5.
  343. Teraoka S, Fujimoto D, Morimoto T, Kawachi H, Ito M, Sato Y, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Uehara K, Imai Y, Ishida K, Fukuoka J, Tomii K. Early immune-related adverse events and association with outcome in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with nivolumab: A prospective cohort study. J Thorac Oncol 2017;12:1798-1805.
  344. Sato Y, Fujimoto D, Morimoto T, Uehara K, Ito M, Teraoka S, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Sakanoue I, Hamakawa H, Takahashi Y, Imai Y, Tomii K. Natural history and clinical characteristics of multiple pulmonary nodules with ground glass opacity. Respirology 2017;22:1615-1621.
  345. Nagai S, Kawai M, Myowa-Yamakoshi M, Morimoto T, Matsukura T, Heike T. Gonadotropin levels in urine during early postnatal period in small for gestational age preterm male infants with fetal growth restriction. J Perinatol 2017;37:843-847.
  346. Kogo M, Nagata K, Morimoto T, Ito J, Sato Y, Teraoka S, Fujimoto D, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Tomii K. Enteral nutrition during noninvasive ventilation: We should go deeper in the investigation. Respir Care 2017;62:1119-1120.
  347. Yamashita Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Yoneda T, Yamada C, Makiyama T, Kato T, Saito N, Shizuta S, Ono K, Kimura T. Asymptomatic lower extremity deep vein thrombosis: Clinical characteristics, management strategies, and long-term outcomes. Circ J 2017;81:1936-1944.
  348. Shiomi H, Kosuge M, Morimoto T, Watanabe H, Taniguchi T, Nakatsuma K, Toyota T, Yamamoto E, Shizuta S, Tada T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Kimura K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry investigators. QRS score at presentation electrocardiogram is correlated with infarct size and mortality in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Circ J 2017;81:1129-1136.
  349. Toyofuku M, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Yamaji K, Furukawa Y, Takahashi K, Tamura T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Inada T, Murakami T, Takechi Y, Yamane K, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Saito N, Minatoya K, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Sex differences in severe aortic stenosis. -Clinical presentation and mortality- Circ J 2017;81:1213-1221.
  350. Kogo M, Nagata K, Morimoto T, Ito J, Sato Y, Teraoka S, Fujimoto D, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Tomii K. Enteral nutrition is a risk factor for airway complications in subjects undergoing noninvasive ventilation for acute respiratory failure. Respir Care 2017;62:459-467.
  351. Saito Y, Okada S, Ogawa H, Soejima H, Sakuma M, Nakayama M, Doi N, Jinnouchi H, Waki M, Masuda I, Morimoto T; JPAD Trial Investigators. Low-dose aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: 10-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Circulation 2017;135:659-670.
  352. Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Kitaguchi S, Nakagawa Y, Ishii K, Haruna Y, Takamisawa I, Motooka M, Nakao K, Matsuda S, Mimoto S, Aoyama Y, Takeda T, Murata K, Akao M, Inada T, Eizawa H, Hyakuna E, Awano K, Shirotani M, Furukawa Y, Kadota K, Miyauchi K, Tanaka M, Noguchi Y, Nakamura S, Yasuda S, Miyazaki S, Daida H, Kimura K, Ikari Y, Hirayama H, Sumiyoshi T, Kimura T; ReACT investigators. The ReACT Trial: Randomized evaluation of routine follow-up coronary angiography after percutaneous coronary intervention trial. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2017;10:109-117.
  353. Toyota T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Yoshikawa Y, Yaku H, Yamashita Y, Kimura T. Very late scaffold thrombosis of bioresorbable vascular scaffold: Systematic review and a meta-analysis. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2017;10:27-37.
  354. Yamashita Y, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Yaku H, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Abe M, Nagao K, Shizuta S, Ono K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry investigators. Cardiac and noncardiac causes of long-term mortality in ST-segment-elevation acute myocardial infarction patients who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2017;10:e002790.
  355. Yamaji K, Kohsaka S, Morimoto T, Fujii K, Amano T, Uemura S, Akasaka T, Kadota K, Nakamura M, Kimura T; J-PCI registry investigators. Relation of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction to daily ambient temperature and air pollutant levels in a Japanese nationwide percutaneous coronary intervention registry. Am J Cardiol 2017;119:872-880.
  356. Morimoto T. Editor’s reply. J Cardiol 2017;69:896. 
  357. Vlachojannis GJ, Puricel S, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Smits PC, Kimura T. Biolimus-eluting versus everolimus-eluting stents in coronary artery disease: A pooled analysis from the NEXT (NOBORI biolimus-eluting versus XIENCE/PROMUS everolimus-eluting stent) and COMPARE II (Abluminal biodegradable polymer biolimus-eluting stent versus durable polymer everolimus-eluting stent) randomised trials. EuroIntervention 2017;12:1970-1977.
  358. Ohya M, Kadota K, Toyofuku M, Morimoto T, Higami H, Fuku Y, Yamaji K, Muranishi H, Yamaji Y, Nishida K, Furukawa D, Tada T, Ko E, Ando K, Sakamoto H, Tamura T, Kawai K, Kimura T; AOI LMCA stenting registry investigators. Long-term outcomes after stent implantation for left main coronary artery (from the multicenter assessing optimal percutaneous coronary intervention for left main coronary artery stenting registry). Am J Cardiol 2017;119:355-364.
  359. Nagao K, Tamura A, Morimoto T, Shimamura K, Yukawa H, Ito H, Hayashi F, Makita T, Takemura G, Sato Y, Inada T, Kimura T, Tanaka M. Liver fibrogenesis marker, 7S domain of collagen type IV in patients with acutely decompensated heart failure: Correlates, prognostic value and time course. Int J Cardiol 2017;236:483-487.
  360. Kitai T, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Toyota T, Izumi C, Kaji S, Kim K, Saito N, Nagao K, Inada T, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ishii K, Koyama T, Sakata R, Furukawa Y, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Different clinical outcomes in patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis according to the stage classification: Does the aortic valve area matter? Int J Cardiol 2017;228:244-252.
  361. Shirai S, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Ando K, Korai K, Minakata K, Hanyu M, Yamazaki F, Koyama T, Komiya T, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Inada T, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ishii K, Saito N, Yamanaka K, Nishiwaki N, Nakajima H, Saga T, Nakayama S, Sakaguchi G, Iwakura A, Shiraga K, Ueyama K, Fujiwara K, Miwa S, Nishizawa J, Kitano M, Kitayama H, Sakata R, Kimura T; CURRENT AS registry investigators. Five-year clinical outcome of asymptomatic vs. symptomatic severe aortic stenosis after aortic valve replacement. Circ J 2017;81:485-494.
  362. Toyota T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Ono K, Shizuta S, Kato T, Saito N, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Horie M, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Ad hoc vs. non-ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention strategies in patients with stable coronary artery disease. Circ J 2017;81:458-467.
  363. Kawaji T, Shiomi H, Morishita H, Morimoto T, Taylor CA, Kanao S, Koizumi K, Kozawa S, Morihiro K, Watanabe H, Tazaki J, Imai M, Saito N, Shizuta S, Ono K, Togashi K, Kimura T. Feasibility and diagnostic performance of fractional flow reserve measurement derived from coronary computed tomography angiography in real clinical practice. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2017;33:271-281.
  364. Kusunoki T, Takeuchi J, Morimoto T, Sakuma M, Yasumi T, Nishikomori R, Higashi A, Heike T. Fruit intake reduces the onset of respiratory allergic symptoms in schoolchildren. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2017;28:793-800.
  365. Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Sakata R, Kimura T. Reply: Is it time for a new paradigm in asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis?: Asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis: Oxymoron? A randomized trial in patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis: A future has begun! Might outcome of patients with asymptomatic severe AS be improved by an initial surgical strategy? J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;67:1972-1973.
  366. Yamaji K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Nakatsuma K, Toyota T, Ono K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Shirai S, Onodera T, Watanabe H, Natsuaki M, Sakata R, Hanyu M, Nishiwaki N, Komiya T, Kimura T. Effects of age and sex on clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention relative to coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with triple-vessel coronary artery disease. Circulation 2016;133:1878-1891.
  367. Kaitani K, Inoue K, Kobori A, Nakazawa Y, Ozawa T, Kurotobi T, Morishima I, Miura F, Watanabe T, Masuda M, Naito M, Fujimoto H, Nishida T, Furukawa Y, Shirayama T, Tanaka M, Okajima K, Yao T, Egami Y, Satomi K, Noda T, Miyamoto K, Haruna T, Kawaji T, Yoshizawa T, Toyota T, Yahata M, Nakai K, Sugiyama H, Higashi Y, Ito M, Horie M, Kusano KF, Shimizu W, Kamakura S, Morimoto T, Kimura T, Shizuta S; EAST-AF Trial Investigator. Efficacy of Antiarrhythmic drugs Short-Term use after catheter ablation for Atrial Fibrillation (EAST-AF) trial. Eur Heart J 2016;37:610-618.
  368. Shiomi H, Yamaji K, Morimoto T, Shizuta S, Nakatsuma K, Higami H, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Sakata R, Okabayashi H, Hanyu M, Shimamoto M, Nishiwaki N, Komiya T, Kimura T. Very long-term (10 to 14 year) outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary artery bypass grafting for multivessel coronary artery disease in the bare-metal stent era. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2016;9:e003365.
  369. Fujimoto D, Kato R, Morimoto T, Shimizu R, Sato Y, Kogo M, Ito J, Teraoka S, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Tomii K. Characteristics and prognostic impact of pneumonitis during systemic anti-cancer therapy in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. PLoS One 2016;11:e0168465.
  370. Tanaka H, Morino Y, Abe M, Kimura T, Hayashi Y, Muramatsu T, Ochiai M, Noguchi Y, Kato K, Shibata Y, Hiasa Y, Doi O, Yamashita T, Morimoto T, Hinohara T, Fujii T, Mitsudo K. Impact of J-CTO score on procedural outcome and target lesion revascularisation after percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total occlusion: A substudy of the J-CTO Registry (Multicentre CTO Registry in Japan). EuroIntervention 2016;11:981-988.
  371. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Yamamoto E, Shiomi H, Furukawa Y, Abe M, Nakao K, Ishikawa T, Kawai K, Yunoki K, Shimizu S, Akao M, Miki S, Yamamoto M, Okada H, Hoshino K, Kadota K, Morino Y, Igarashi K, Tanabe K, Kozuma K, Kimura T. One-year outcome of a prospective trial stopping dual antiplatelet therapy at 3 months after everolimus-eluting cobalt-chromium stent implantation: ShortT and OPtimal duration of Dual AntiPlatelet Therapy after everolimus-eluting cobalt-chromium stent (STOPDAPT) trial. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2016;31:196-209.
  372. Naito R, Miyauchi K, Daida H, Morimoto T, Hiro T, Kimura T, Nakagawa Y, Yamagishi M, Ozaki Y, Matsuzaki M; JAPAN-ACS investigators. Impact of total risk management on coronary plaque regression in diabetic patients with acute coronary syndrome. J Atheroscler Thromb 2016;23:922-931.
  373. Okada S, Morimoto T, Ogawa H, Sakuma M, Soejima H, Nakayama M, Jinnouchi H, Waki M, Akai Y, Ishii H, Saito Y; Investigators for the Japanese Primary Prevention of Atherosclerosis with Aspirin for Diabetes (JPAD) trial. Is long-term low-dose aspirin therapy associated with renal dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes? JPAD2 cohort study. PLoS One 2016;11:e0147635.
  374. Kusunoki T, Takeuchi J, Morimoto T, Sakuma M, Mukaida K, Yasumi T, Nishikomori R, Heike T. Sports activities enhance the prevalence of rhinitis symptoms in schoolchildren. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2016;27:209-213.
  375. Nakatsuma K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Yamamoto T, Suwa S, Horie M, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI investigators. Inter-facility transfer vs. direct admission of patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Circ J 2016;80:1764-1772.
  376. Taniguchi T, Shiomi H, Kosuge M, Morimoto T, Nakatsuma K, Nishiga M, Sasa T, Saito N, Kimura T. Prognostic significance of ST-segment elevation in leads V₁-₂ in patients with severe aortic stenosis. Circ J 2016;80:526-534.
  377. Nakatsuma K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Ando K, Kadota K, Watanabe H, Taniguchi T, Yamamoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Horie M, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry investigators. Intravascular ultrasound guidance vs. angiographic guidance in primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction - Long-term clinical outcomes from the CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry. Circ J 2016;80:477-484.
  378. Toyota T, Shiomi H, Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Horie M, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI registry investigators. Culprit vessel-only vs. staged multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention strategies in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Circ J 2016;80:371-378.
  379. Morimoto T, Crawford B, Wada K, Ueda S. Comparative efficacy and safety of novel oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation: A network meta-analysis with the adjustment for the possible bias from open label studies. J Cardiol 2015;66:466-474.
  380. Taniguchi T, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Ando K, Kanamori N, Murata K, Kitai T, Kawase Y, Izumi C, Miyake M, Mitsuoka H, Kato M, Hirano Y, Matsuda S, Nagao K, Inada T, Murakami T, Takeuchi Y, Yamane K, Toyofuku M, Ishii M, Minamino-Muta E, Kato T, Inoko M, Ikeda T, Komasa A, Ishii K, Hotta K, Higashitani N, Kato Y, Inuzuka Y, Maeda C, Jinnai T, Morikami Y, Sakata R, Kimura T; CURRENT AS Registry Investigators. Initial surgical versus conservative strategies in patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;66:2827-2838.
  381. Yamaji K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Toyota T, Ono K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Shirai S, Kato M, Takatsu Y, Doi O, Kambara H, Suwa S, Onodera T, Watanabe H, Natsuaki M, Kimura T. Influence of sex on long-term outcomes after implantation of bare-metal stent: A multicenter report from the coronary revascularization demonstrating outcome study-Kyoto (CREDO-Kyoto) registry cohort-1. Circulation 2015;132:2323-2333.
  382. Kobori A, Shizuta S, Inoue K, Kaitani K, Morimoto T, Nakazawa Y, Ozawa T, Kurotobi T, Morishima I, Miura F, Watanabe T, Masuda M, Naito M, Fujimoto H, Nishida T, Furukawa Y, Shirayama T, Tanaka M, Okajima K, Yao T, Egami Y, Satomi K, Noda T, Miyamoto K, Haruna T, Kawaji T, Yoshizawa T, Toyota T, Yahata M, Nakai K, Sugiyama H, Higashi Y, Ito M, Horie M, Kusano KF, Shimizu W, Kamakura S, Kimura T; UNDER-ATP Trial Investigators. Adenosine triphosphate-guided pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation: The unmasking dormant electrical reconduction by adenosine triphosphate (UNDER-ATP) trial. Eur Heart J 2015;36:3276-3287.
  383. Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Natsuaki M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Yamaji K, Ando K, Shizuta S, Shiomi H, Tada T, Tazaki J, Kato Y, Hayano M, Abe M, Tamura T, Shirotani M, Miki S, Matsuda M, Takahashi M, Ishii K, Tanaka M, Aoyama T, Doi O, Hattori R, Kato M, Suwa S, Takizawa A, Takatsu Y, Shinoda E, Eizawa H, Takeda T, Lee JD, Inoko M, Ogawa H, Hamasaki S, Horie M, Nohara R, Kambara H, Fujiwara H, Mitsudo K, Nobuyoshi M, Kita T, Kastrati A, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Antiplatelet therapy discontinuation and the risk of serious cardiovascular events after coronary stenting: Observations from the CREDO-Kyoto registry cohort-2. PLoS One 2015;10:e0124314.
  384. Natsuaki M, Kozuma K, Morimoto T, Kadota K, Muramatsu T, Nakagawa Y, Akasaka T, Igarashi K, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Ishikawa T, Nishikawa H, Awata M, Abe M, Okada H, Takatsu Y, Ogata N, Kimura K, Urasawa K, Tarutani Y, Shiode N, Kimura T. Final 3-year outcome of a randomized trial comparing second-generation drug-eluting stents using either biodegradable polymer or durable polymer: NOBORI biolimus-eluting versus XIENCE/PROMUS everolimus-eluting stent trial. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2015;8:e002817.
  385. Fujimoto D, Shimizu R, Morimoto T, Kato R, Sato Y, Kogo M, Ito J, Teraoka S, Otoshi T, Nagata K, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Katakami N, Tomii K. Analysis of advanced lung cancer patients diagnosed following emergency admission. Eur Respir J 2015;45:1098-1107.
  386. Nagata K, Morimoto T, Fujimoto D, Otoshi T, Nakagawa A, Otsuka K, Seo R, Atsumi T, Tomii K. Efficacy of high-flow nasal cannula therapy in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: Decreased use of mechanical ventilation. Respir Care 2015;60:1390-1396.
  387. Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Tazaki J, Sakata R, Okabayashi H, Hanyu M, Shimamoto M, Nishiwaki N, Komiya T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG Registry Cohort-2 investigators. Comparison of five-year outcome of percutaneous coronary intervention with coronary artery bypass grafting in triple-vessel coronary artery disease (from the coronary revascularization demonstrating outcome study in Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2). Am J Cardiol 2015;116:59-65.
  388. Toyota T, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Kimura T. Meta-analysis of long-term clinical outcomes of everolimus-eluting stents. Am J Cardiol 2015;116:187-194.
  389. Yamaji K, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Ono K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Shirai S, Watanabe H, Shiomi H, Kimura T. Long-term outcomes after coronary stent implantation in patients presenting with versus without acute myocardial infarction (an observation from coronary revascularization demonstrating outcome study-Kyoto registry cohort-2). Am J Cardiol 2015;116:15-23.
  390. Yano M, Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Nakagawa Y, Kawai K, Miyazaki S, Muramatsu T, Shiode N, Namura M, Sone T, Oshima S, Nishikawa H, Hiasa Y, Hayashi Y, Nobuyoshi M, Mitsudo K, Kimura T; j-Cypher Registry Investigators. Antiplatelet therapy discontinuation and stent thrombosis after sirolimus-eluting stent implantation: Five-year outcome of the j-Cypher Registry. Int J Cardiol 2015;199:296-301.
  391. Izuhara M, Ono K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Shizuta S, Tada T, Tazaki J, Horie T, Kuwabara Y, Baba O, Nishino T, Kita T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG Registry Cohort-2 investigators. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and cardiovascular outcomes in Japanese patients after percutaneous coronary intervention: A report from the CREDO-Kyoto registry cohort-2. Atherosclerosis 2015;242:632-638.
  392. Watanabe H, Shiomi H, Nakatsuma K, Morimoto T, Taniguchi T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Horie M, Kimura T; CREDO‐Kyoto AMI investigators. Clinical efficacy of thrombus aspiration on 5-year clinical outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. J Am Heart Assoc 2015;4:e001962.
  393. Hashimoto M, Yamazaki T, Hamaguchi M, Morimoto T, Yamori M, Asai K, Isobe Y, Furu M, Ito H, Fujii T, Terao C, Mori M, Matsuo T, Yoshitomi H, Yamamoto K, Yamamoto W, Bessho K, Mimori T. Periodontitis and porphyromonas gingivalis in preclinical stage of arthritis patients. PLoS One 2015;10:e0122121.
  394. Hiejima E, Kawai T, Nakase H, Tsuruyama T, Morimoto T, Yasumi T, Taga T, Kanegane H, Hori M, Ohmori K, Higuchi T, Matsuura M, Yoshino T, Ikeuchi H, Kawada K, Sakai Y, Kitazume MT, Hisamatsu T, Chiba T, Nishikomori R, Heike T. Reduced numbers and proapoptotic features of mucosal-associated invariant T cells as a characteristic finding in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2015;21:1529-1540.
  395. Yamamoto T, Yagi S, Kinoshita H, Sakamoto Y, Okada K, Uryuhara K, Morimoto T, Kaihara S, Hosotani R. Long-term survival after resection of pancreatic cancer: A single-center retrospective analysis. World J Gastroenterol 2015;21:262-268.
  396. Kawaji T, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Nishikawa R, Yano M, Higami H, Tazaki J, Imai M, Saito N, Makiyama T, Shizuta S, Ono K, Kimura T. Noninvasive detection of functional myocardial ischemia: Multifunction cardiogram evaluation in diagnosis of functional coronary ischemia study (MED-FIT). Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol 2015;20:446-453.
  397. *Morimoto T. Investigating the quality of care in cardiovascular medicine. Circ J 2015;79:966-968.
  398. Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Sakata R, Okabayashi H, Hanyu M, Shimamoto M, Nishiwaki N, Komiya T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Comparison of percutaneous coronary intervention with coronary artery bypass grafting in unprotected left main coronary artery disease - 5-year outcome from CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry Cohort-2. Circ J 2015;79:1282-1289.
  399. Kawaji T, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Tazaki J, Imai M, Saito N, Makiyama T, Shizuta S, Ono K, Kimura T. Clinical impact of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Circ J 2015;79:839-846.
  400. Yamano S, Horii M, Takami T, Sakuma M, Morimoto T, Okada S, Taoka T, Kichikawa K, Sasamura H, Itoh H, Furuya Y, Ueno S, Imamura T, Sugiyama S, Ogawa H, Saito Y. Comparison between angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers on the risk of stroke recurrence and longitudinal progression of white matter lesions and silent brain infarcts on MRI (CEREBRAL study): Rationale, design, and methodology. Int J Stroke 2015;10:452-456.
  401. Ueda S, Morimoto T, Ando S, Takishita S, Kawano Y, Shimamoto K, Ogihara T, Saruta T; DIME Investigators. A randomised controlled trial for the evaluation of risk for type 2 diabetes in hypertensive patients receiving thiazide diuretics: Diuretics In the Management of Essential hypertension (DIME) study. BMJ Open 2014;4:e004576.
  402. Natsuaki M, Kozuma K, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Kimura T. Two-year outcome of a randomized trial comparing second-generation drug-eluting stents using biodegradable or durable polymer. JAMA 2014;311:2125-2127.
  403. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Shiomi H, Ono K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG Registry Cohort-2 Investigators. Effect of statin therapy on cardiovascular outcomes after coronary revascularization in patients ≥ 80 years of age: Observations from the CREDO-Kyoto Registry Cohort-2. Atherosclerosis 2014;237:821-828.
  404. Tokushige A, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Ono K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Shizuta S, Tada T, Tazaki J, Kato Y, Hayano M, Abe M, Hamasaki S, Ohishi M, Nakashima H, Mitsudo K, Nobuyoshi M, Kita T, Imoto Y, Sakata R, Okabayashi H, Hanyu M, Shimamoto M, Nishiwaki N, Komiya T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG Registry Cohort-2 Investigators. Incidence and outcome of surgical procedures after coronary artery bypass grafting compared with those after percutaneous coronary intervention: A report from the coronary revascularization demonstrating outcome study in Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2014;7:482-491.
  405. Shiomi H, Kozuma K, Morimoto T, Igarashi K, Kadota K, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Akasaka T, Abe M, Suwa S, Muramatsu T, Kobayashi M, Dai K, Nakao K, Uematsu M, Tarutani Y, Fujii K, Simonton CA, Kimura T; RESET Investigators. Long-term clinical outcomes after everolimus- and sirolimus-eluting coronary stent implantation: Final 3-year follow-up of the randomized evaluation of sirolimus-eluting versus everolimus-eluting stent trial. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2014;7:343-354.
  406. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Yamaji K, Ando K, Shizuta S, Shiomi H, Tada T, Tazaki J, Kato Y, Hayano M, Abe M, Tamura T, Shirotani M, Miki S, Matsuda M, Takahashi M, Ishii K, Tanaka M, Aoyama T, Doi O, Hattori R, Kato M, Suwa S, Takizawa A, Takatsu Y, Shinoda E, Eizawa H, Takeda T, Lee JD, Inoko M, Ogawa H, Hamasaki S, Horie M, Nohara R, Kambara H, Fujiwara H, Mitsudo K, Nobuyoshi M, Kita T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Late adverse events after implantation of sirolimus-eluting stent and bare-metal stent: Long-term (5-7 years) follow-up of the coronary revascularization demonstrating outcome study-Kyoto registry cohort-2. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2014;7:168-179.
  407. Abe M, Morimoto T, Akao M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Shizuta S, Ehara N, Taniguchi R, Doi T, Nishiyama K, Ozasa N, Saito N, Hoshino K, Mitsuoka H, Toma M, Tamura T, Haruna Y, Kita T, Kimura T. Relation of contrast-induced nephropathy to long-term mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol 2014;114:362-368.
  408. Taniguchi T, Shiomi H, Toyota T, Morimoto T, Akao M, Nakatsuma K, Ono K, Makiyama T, Shizuta S, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Ando K, Kadota K, Horie M, Kimura T. Effect of preinfarction angina pectoris on long-term survival in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol 2014;114:1179-1186.
  409. Nakatsuma K, Shiomi H, Watanabe H, Morimoto T, Taniguchi T, Toyota T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Horie M, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI Investigators. Comparison of long-term mortality after acute myocardial infarction treated by percutaneous coronary intervention in patients living alone versus not living alone at the time of hospitalization. Am J Cardiol 2014;114:522-527.
  410. Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Makiyama T, Ono K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Onodera T, Takatsu Y, Mitsudo K, Kita T, Sakata R, Okabayashi H, Hanyu M, Komiya T, Yamazaki F, Nishiwaki N, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto Investigators. Evolution in practice patterns and long-term outcomes of coronary revascularization from bare-metal stent era to drug-eluting stent era in Japan. Am J Cardiol 2014;113:1652-1659.
  411. Goto K, Nakai K, Shizuta S, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, Natsuaki M, Yahata M, Ota C, Ono K, Makiyama T, Nakagawa Y, Furukawa Y, Kadota K, Takatsu Y, Tamura T, Takizawa A, Inada T, Doi O, Nohara R, Matsuda M, Takeda T, Kato M, Shirotani M, Eizawa H, Ishii K, Lee JD, Takahashi M, Horie M, Takahashi M, Miki S, Aoyama T, Suwa S, Hamasaki S, Ogawa H, Mitsudo K, Nobuyoshi M, Kita T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto Registry Cohort-2 Investigators. Anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol 2014;114:70-78.
  412. Tazaki J, Morimoto T, Sakata R, Okabayashi H, Yamazaki F, Nishiwaki N, Mitsudo K, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Impact of statin therapy on patients with coronary heart disease and aortic aneurysm or dissection. J Vasc Surg 2014;60:604-612.
  413. Kawaji T, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Tamura T, Nishikawa R, Yano M, Tazaki J, Imai M, Saito N, Makiyama T, Shizuta S, Ono K, Kimura T. Long-term efficacy and safety outcomes after unrestricted use of drug-eluting stents in patients with acute coronary syndrome: Mortality and major bleeding in a single-center registry. Circ J 2014;78:1628-1635.
  414. Imai M, Kimura T, Morimoto T, Saito N, Shiomi H, Kawaguchi R, Kan H, Mukawa H, Fujita H, Ishise T, Hayashi F, Nagao K, Take S, Taniguchi H, Sakamoto H, Yamane T, Shirota K, Tamekiyo H, Okamura T, Kishi K, Miyazaki S, Yamamoto S, Yamaji K, Kawasaki T, Taguchi E, Nakajima H, Kosedo I, Tada T, Kadota K, Mitsudo K. Impact of angiographic peri-stent contrast staining (PSS) on late adverse events after sirolimus-eluting stent implantation: An observation from the multicenter j-Cypher registry PSS substudy. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2014;29:226-236.
  415. Ko E, Natsuaki M, Toyofuku M, Morimoto T, Matsumura Y, Oi M, Motohashi Y, Takahashi K, Kawase Y, Tanaka M, Kitada M, Yuzuki Y, Tamura T, Inoue K, Mitsudo K, Kimura. Sirolimus-eluting stent implantation for ostial right coronary artery lesions: Five-year outcomes from the j-Cypher registry. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2014;29:200-208.

2. 日常診療の質に関する研究:

  1. Ayani N, Oya N, Kitaoka R, Kuwahara A, Morimoto T, Sakuma M, Narumoto J. Epidemiology of adverse drug events and medication errors in four nursing homes in Japan: The Japan adverse drug events (JADE) study. BMJ Qual Saf 2022;31:878-887.
  2. Morikawa T, Sakuma M, Nakamura T, Sonoyama T, Matsumoto C, Takeuchi J, Ohta Y, Kosaka S, *Morimoto T. Effectiveness of a computerized clinical decision support system for prevention of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Sci Rep 2022;12:14967.
  3. Inoue M, Takeuchi J, Sakuma M, Nakamura T, *Morimoto T. Low serum total protein at admission predicts in-hospital mortality among general inpatients: Historical cohort study. Int J Gen Med 2022;15:7941-7949.
  4. Oya N, Ayani N, Kuwahara A, Kitaoka R, Omichi C, Sakuma M, Morimoto T, Narumoto J. Over half of falls were associated with psychotropic medication use in four nursing homes in Japan: A retrospective cohort study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022;19:3123.
  5. *Morimoto T, Uchida K, Sakakibara F, Kinjo N, Ueda S. Effect of concomitant antiplatelet therapy on ischemic and hemorrhagic events in patients taking oral anticoagulants for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation in daily clinical practice. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2021;30:1321-1331.
  6. Takeuchi J, *Sakuma M, Ohta Y, Ida H, Morimoto T. Differences in adverse drug events and medication errors among pediatric inpatients aged <3 and ≧3 years: The JADE study. J Patient Saf Risk Manag 2021;26:261-266.
  7. Iwasaki H, *Sakuma M, Ida H, Morimoto T. The burden of preventable adverse drug events on hospital stay and healthcare costs in Japanese pediatric inpatients: The JADE study. Clin Med Insights Pediatr 2021;15:1179556521995833.
  8. Ayani N, Morimoto T, Sakuma M, Kikuchi T, Watanabe K, Narumoto J. Antipsychotic polypharmacy is associated with adverse drug events in psychiatric inpatients: The Japan adverse drug events study. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2021;41:397-402.
  9. Omichi C, Ayani N, Oya N, Matsumoto Y, Tanaka M, Morimoto T, Kadotani H, Narumoto J. Association between discontinuation of benzodiazepine receptor agonists and post-operative delirium among inpatients with liaison intervention: A retrospective cohort study. Compr Psychiatry 2021;104:152216.
  10. Takedani Y, Nakamura T, Fukiwake N, Imada T, Mashino J, *Morimoto T. Clinical characteristics and factors related to antibiotic-associated diarrhea in elderly patients with pneumonia: A retrospective cohort study. BMC Geriatr 2021;21:317.
  11. Wada R, Takeuchi J, Nakamura T, Sonoyama T, Kosaka S, Matsumoto C, Sakuma M, Ohta Y, *Morimoto T. Clinical decision support system with renal dose adjustment did not improve subsequent renal and hepatic function among inpatients: The Japan adverse drug event study. Appl Clin Inform 2020;11:846-856.
  12. Sakuma M, Kanemoto Y, Furuse A, Bates DW, *Morimoto T. Frequency and severity of adverse drug events by medication classes: The JADE study. J Patient Saf 2020;16:30-35.
  13. Yamamoto M, Ohta Y, Sakuma M, Matsumoto C, *Morimoto T. Adverse drug events due to central nervous system depressant drugs in pediatric patients with or without surgery. J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2020;25:295-302.
  14. Higaonna M, Morimoto T, Ueda S. Association between nursing care delivery models and patients’ health outcomes in a university hospital: A retrospective cohort study based on the diagnostic procedure combination database. Jpn J Nurs Sci 2020;17:e12319.
  15. Yamamoto M, Ohta Y, Sakuma M, Takeuchi J, Matsumoto C, *Morimoto T. Association between heart rate on admission and in-hospital mortality among general inpatients: Insights from Japan adverse drug events (JADE) Study. Medicine 2019;98:e15165.
  16. Sakuma M, Kanemoto Y, Furuse A, Bates DW, *Morimoto T. Frequency and severity of adverse drug events by medication classes: The JADE study. J Patient Saf 2018 16:30-35.
  17. Higaonna M, Morimoto T. Effect of the partnership nursing model on in-hospital mortality in Japan. Ryukyu Med J 2019;38:89-97.
  18. Ohta Y, Miki I, Kimura T, Abe M, Sakuma M, Koike K, Morimoto T. Epidemiology of adverse events and medical errors in the care of cardiology patients. J Patient Saf 2019;15:251-256.
  19. Takahashi Y, Sakuma M, Murayama H, *Morimoto T. Effect of baseline renal and hepatic function on the incidence of adverse drug events: The Japan adverse drug events (JADE) study. Drug Metab Pers Ther 2018;33:165-173.
  20. Murayama H, Sakuma M, Takahashi Y, *Morimoto T. Improving the assessment of adverse drug reactions using the Naranjo algorithm in daily practice: The Japan adverse drug events (JADE) study. Pharmacol Res Perspect 2018;6:e00373.
  21. Doi A, Morimoto T, Iwata K. Shorter duration of antibiotic treatment for acute bacteraemic cholangitis with successful biliary drainage: A retrospective cohort study. Clin Microbiol Infect 2018;24:1184-1189.
  22. Koizumi A, Ohta Y, Sakuma M, Okamoto R, Matsumoto C, Bates DW, *Morimoto T. Differences in adverse drug events among pediatric patients with and without cancer: Sub-analysis of a retrospective cohort study. Drugs Real World Outcomes 2017;4:167-173.
  23. Noguchi C, Sakuma M, Ohta Y, Bates DW, *Morimoto T. Prevention of medication errors in hospitalized patients: The Japan adverse drug events study. Drug Saf 2016;39:1129-1137.
  24. Ayani N, Sakuma M, Morimoto T, Kikuchi T, Watanabe K, Narumoto J, Fukui K. The epidemiology of adverse drug events and medication errors among psychiatric inpatients in Japan: The JADE study. BMC Psychiatry 2016;16:303.
  25. Yamamoto T, Morimoto T, Kita R, Masui H, Kinoshita H, Sakamoto Y, Okada K, Komori J, Miki A, Kondo M, Uryuhara K, Kobayashi H, Hashida H, Kaihara S, Hosotani R. The preventive surgical site infection bundle in patients with colorectal perforation. BMC Surg 2015;15:128.
  26. Morimoto T. Investigating quality of care in cardiovascular medicine. Circ J 2015;79:966-968.
  27. Boeker EB, Ram K, Klopotowska JE, de Boer M, Creus MT, de Andrés AL, Sakuma M, Morimoto T, Boermeester MA, Dijkgraaf MG. An individual patient data meta-analysis on factors associated with adverse drug events in surgical and non-surgical inpatients. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2015;79:548-557.
  28. Sakuma M, Ida H, Nakamura T, Ohta Y, Yamamoto K, Seki S, Hiroi K, Kikuchi K, Nakayama K, Bates DW, Morimoto T. Adverse drug events and medication errors in Japanese pediatric inpatients: A retrospective cohort study. BMJ Qual Saf 2014;23:830-837.
  29. Ohta Y, Sakuma M, Koike K, Bates DW, Morimoto T. Influence of adverse drug events on morbidity and mortality in intensive care units: The JADE study. Int J Qual Health Care 2014;26:573-578.
  30. Khurelbat D, Dorj G, Bayarsaikhan E, Chimedsuren M, Sanjjav T, Morimoto T, Morley M, Morley K. Prevalence estimates of substandard drugs in Mongolia using a random sample survey. Springerplus 2014;3:709.

3. 臨床推論・医学教育に関する研究:

  1. Higuchi H, Nakamura T, Mashino J, Imada T, *Morimoto T. Prediction of ESBL-producing E coli for suspected urinary tract infection. Urologia 2023;90:151-156.
  2. Takeuchi J, Yanamoto Y, Sato Y, Ochiai R, Moriichi A, Ishizaki Y, Nakayama T. Efficacious interventions for improving the transition readiness of adolescents and young adult patients with chronic illness: A narrative review of randomized control trials assessed with the transition readiness assessment questionnaire (TRAQ). Front Pediatr 2022;10:983367.
  3. Takeuchi J, Sakagami Y. Belief of safety and ethicality associated with agreement to electroconvulsive therapy among universities and other research institution employees. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports 2022;1:e40.
  4. *Takeuchi J, Sakanishi Y, Okada T, Nakayama K, Chiba H, Suganaga R, Nishioka Y, Kishi T, Suzuki T. Factors associated between behavior of administrating or recommending mumps vaccine and primary care physicians’ knowledge about vaccination: A nationwide cross-sectional study in Japan. J Gen Fam Med 2022;23:9-18.
  5. Takeuchi J, Sakagami Y. Association between autistic tendencies and mental health when studying abroad. Pediatr Int 2022; 64:e14724.
  6. Takamura A, *Morimoto T. Experience of receiving care by interns reduces psychological barrier of community residents to further care in Japan. Rural Remote Health2018;18:4613.
  7. Takeuchi J, Sakagami Y. Stigma among international students is associated with knowledge of mental illness. Nagoya J Med Sci 2018;80:367-378.
  8. Fujii T, Matsuyama T, Takeuchi J, Hara M, Kitamura T, Yamauchi-Takihara K. Women among first authors in Japanese cardiovascular journal. Int Heart J 2018;59:372-377.
  9. *Takeuchi J, Sakagami Y, Perez RC. The mother and child health handbook in Japan as a health promotion tool: An overview of its history, contents, use, benefits, and global influence. Glob Pediatr Health 2016;3:1–9.
  10. Yoshida C, *Morimoto T. Clinical problem solving: Sudden midnight upset syndrome? J Gen Fam Med 2015;16:131-137.
  11. Takeuchi J, Goto M, Kawamura T, Hiraide A. Social regulations predispose people to complete vaccination for vaccine-preventable diseases. Tohoku J Exp Med 2014;234:183-187.
  12. Murata K, Sakuma M, Seki S, *Morimoto T. Public attitudes toward practice by medical students: A nationwide survey in Japan. Teach Learn Med 2014;26:335-343.

4. 臨床研究の方法論に関する研究:

  1. Sakuma M, *Morimoto T. Patient-reported outcomes for quality of care among pediatric patients. Int J Qual Health Care 2023 (in press).
  2. *Takeuchi J, Kawamura T. Comparison among conventional multivariable analysis, proxy exposure analysis, and instrumental variable analysis: Effectiveness of two-or-more-dose vaccination for measles and rubella in university students. Jpn J Infect Dis 2023;76:34-38.
  3. Matsuzaki J, Takahashi S, Yamaguchi A, Wada K, Miyazaki J, Mugiya S, Matsuda T, Nutahara K, Seki S, Morimoto T, Yamamoto S. Japanese linguistic validation of the ureteral stent symptoms questionnaire. Int J Urol 2022;29:332-336.
  4. Uchida K, Kouno J, Yoshimura S, Kinjo N, Sakakibara F, Araki H, *Morimoto T. Development of machine learning models to predict probabilities and types of stroke at prehospital stage: The Japan urgent stroke triage score using machine learning (JUST-ML). Transl Stroke Res 2022;13:370-381.
  5. *Takeuchi J, Noma H, Sakanishi Y, Kawamura T. Adverse events associated with human papillomavirus vaccines: A protocol for systematic review with network meta-analysis incorporating all randomised controlled trials comparing with placebo, adjuvants, and other vaccines. BMJ Open 2019;21;9:e026924.
  6. Matsuyama M, Fujii T, Takeuchi J, Hara M, and Kitamura T. Prevalence of randomized controlled trials in Japanese cardiovascular journals: A descriptive study. Heart Asia 2017;9:1-5.

5. 臨床研究スキルの教育に関する研究:

  1. Nishimura R, Takeuchi J, Sakuma M, Uchida K, Higaonna M, Kinjo N, Sakakibara F, Nakamura T, Kosaka S, Yoshimura S, Ueda S, *Morimoto T. Experience and awareness of research integrity among Japanese physicians: A nationwide cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2021;11:e052351.