Original Articles

Lal A, Oku Y, Hülsmann S, Okada Y, Miwakeichi F, Kawai S, Tamura Y, Ishiguro M. Dual oscillator models of the respiratory neuronal network generating quantal slowing of respiratory rhythm. J Comp Neurosci, 30: 225-240, 2011.

Miwakeichi F, Oku Y, Okada Y, Kawai S, Tamura Y, Ishiguro M. Detection and visualization method of dynamic state transition for biological spatio-temporal imaging data. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 30: 859-866, 2011.

Koganezawa T, Okada Y, Terui N, Paton JFR, Oku Y. A μ-opioid receptor agonist DAMGO induces rapid breathing in the arterially-perfused in situ preparation of rat. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 177:207-211, 2011.

Takemura M, Furuta T, Tsujita J, Oku Y. Determination of anaerobic threshold by the locomotor respiratory coupling. Hyogo Ika Daigaku Igakkai Zasshi (Acta Med Hyogo) 2011; 36: 99-106.


越久仁敬. 過換気症候群の病態生理. ファルマシア 2011; 47: 1133-7.

越久仁敬. 中枢呼吸リズム生成機構. The lung perspectives 2011; 19: 317-21.

越久仁敬. 蛍光イメージングを用いた呼吸中枢網の解析. 呼吸と循環 2011; 59: 1199-205.
